Damian Przestacki
Cited by
Cited by
Laser surface alloying of commercially pure titanium with boron and carbon
N Makuch, M Kulka, P Dziarski, D Przestacki
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 57, 64-81, 2014
Conventional and laser assisted machining of composite A359/20SiCp
D Przestacki
Procedia Cirp 14, 229-233, 2014
Formation of surface layer in metal matrix composite A359/20SiCP during laser assisted turning
D Przestacki, P Szymanski, S Wojciechowski
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 91, 370-379, 2016
The study on minimum uncut chip thickness and cutting forces during laser-assisted turning of WC/NiCr clad layers
D Przestacki, T Chwalczuk, S Wojciechowski
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 91, 3887-3898, 2017
Experimental research of surface roughness and surface texture after laser cladding
D Przestacki, R Majchrowski, L Marciniak-Podsadna
Applied Surface Science 388, 420-423, 2016
Surface roughness analysis after laser assisted machining of hard to cut materials
D Przestacki, M Jankowiak
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 483 (1), 012019, 2014
Nanomechanical properties of iron nitrides produced on 42CrMo4 steel by controlled gas nitriding and laser heat treatment
D Panfil, M Kulka, P Wach, J Michalski, D Przestacki
Journal of alloys and Compounds 706, 63-75, 2017
Microstructure and selected properties of Monel 400 alloy after laser heat treatment and laser boriding using diode laser
M Kukliński, A Bartkowska, D Przestacki
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 98, 3005-3017, 2018
Gradient boride layers formed by diffusion carburizing and laser boriding
M Kulka, N Makuch, P Dziarski, D Mikołajczak, D Przestacki
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 67, 163-175, 2015
Influence of laser heat treatment on microstructure and properties of surface layer of Waspaloy aimed for laser-assisted machining
D Przestacki, M Kukliński, A Bartkowska
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 93, 3111-3123, 2017
The evaluation of surface integrity during machining of Inconel 718 with various laser assistance strategies
S Wojciechowski, D Przestacki, T Chwalczuk
MATEC Web of Conferences 136, 01006, 2017
The analysis of surface topography during turning of Waspaloy with the application of response surface method
D Przestacki, T Chwalczuk
MATEC Web of Conferences 136, 02006, 2017
Investigation of laser heat treated Monel 400
M Kukliński, A Bartkowska, D Przestacki
MATEC Web of Conferences 219, 02005, 2018
The effect of laser beam processing on the properties of WC-Co coatings deposited on steel. Materials 14 (2021) art. 538
N Radek, J Konstanty, J Pietraszek, ŁJ Orman, M Szczepaniak, ...
Determination of emissivity coefficient of heat-resistant super alloys and cemented carbide
P Kieruj, D Przestacki, T Chwalczuk
Archives of Mechanical Technology and Materials 36, 30-34, 2016
Decision support system in the field of defects assessment in the metal matrix composites castings
R Sika, M Rogalewicz, P Popielarski, D Czarnecka-Komorowska, ...
Materials 13 (16), 3552, 2020
The effect of temperature distribution and cooling rate on microstructure and microhardness of laser re-melted and laser-borided carbon steels with various carbon concentrations
A Bendoumi, N Makuch, R Chegroune, M Kulka, M Keddam, P Dziarski, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 387, 125541, 2020
Microstructure characterisation of Inconel 718 after laser assisted turning
T Chwalczuk, D Przestacki, P Szablewski, A Felusiak
MATEC Web of Conferences 188, 02004, 2018
Microstructure, chemical composition, wear, and corrosion resistance of FeB–Fe2B–Fe3B surface layers produced on Vanadis-6 steel using CO2 laser
A Bartkowska, D Bartkowski, R Swadźba, D Przestacki, A Miklaszewski
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 95, 1763-1776, 2018
Effect of laser modification of B–Ni complex layer on wear resistance and microhardness
A Bartkowska, A Pertek, M Popławski, D Bartkowski, D Przestacki, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 72, 116-124, 2015
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Articles 1–20