Wolfgang Prinz
Wolfgang Prinz
Fraunhofer FIT / RWTH Aachen University
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Cited by
Constructing common information spaces
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, L Bannon, S Bødker
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
Plans as situated action: An activity theory approach to workflow systems
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, JE Bardram
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
NESSIE: an awareness environment for cooperative settings
W Prinz
ECSCW’99, 391-410, 1999
Supporting cooperative awareness with local event mechanisms: The GroupDesk system
L Fuchs, U Pankoke-Babatz, W Prinz
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported …, 1995
Mobile web service provisioning
SN Srirama, M Jarke, W Prinz
Advanced int'l conference on telecommunications and int'l conference on …, 2006
Cooperative work and lived cognition: a taxonomy of embodied actions
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, T Robertson
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
Aether: An awareness engine for CSCW
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, O Sandor, C Bogdan, ...
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
Supporting groupware conventions through contextual awareness
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, G Mark, L Fuchs, ...
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
MetaWeb: bringing synchronous groupware to the World Wide Web
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, J Trevor, T Koch, G Woetzel
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
Modelling shared contexts in cooperative environments: concept, implementation, and evaluation
T Gross, W Prinz
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 13, 283-303, 2004
Support for workflows in a ministerial environment
W Prinz, S Kolvenbach
Proceedings of the 1996 ACM conference on computer supported cooperative …, 1996
POLITeam Bridging the Gap between Bonn and Berlin for and with the Users
K Klöckner, P Mambrey, M Sohlenkamp, W Prinz, L Fuchs, S Kolvenbach, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth European Conference on Computer-Supported …, 1995
Introducing third party objects into the spatial model of interaction
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, S Benford, C Greenhalgh
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
Contexts, work processes, and workspaces
A Agostini, G De Michelis, MA Grasso, W Prinz, A Syri
Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 5, 223-250, 1996
A group-based authorization model for cooperative systems
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, K Sikkel
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
blockchain und Smart contracts: technologien, Forschungsfragen und Anwendungen
J Schütte, G Fridgen, W Prinz, T Rose, N Urbach, T Hoeren, ...
Does “roomware” matter? Investigating the role of personal and public information devices and their combination in meeting room collaboration
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, NA Streitz, P Rexroth, ...
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
Analysing movement and world transitions in virtual reality tele-conferencing
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, C Greenhalgh
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
Rethinking CSCW systems: the architecture of Milano
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, A Agostini, G De Michelis, ...
Proceedings of the fifth european conference on computer supported …, 1997
Tailoring cooperation support through mediators
JA Hughes, W Prinz, T Rodden, K Schmidt, A Syri
Proceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computer Supported …, 1997
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Articles 1–20