Frederico Campos Freitas
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Cited by
Ratchet, swivel, tilt and roll: a complete description of subunit rotation in the ribosome
A Hassan, S Byju, FC Freitas, C Roc, N Pender, K Nguyen, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 51 (2), 919-934, 2023
Shedding Light on the Inhibitory Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-1/CoV-2 Spike Proteins by ACE2-Designed Peptides
FC Freitas, PHB Ferreira, DC Favaro, RJ Oliveira
Journal of chemical information and modeling 61 (3), 1226-1243, 2021
Drift-diffusion (DrDiff) framework determines kinetics and thermodynamics of two-state folding trajectory and tunes diffusion models
FC Freitas, AN Lima, VG Contessoto, PC Whitford, RJ Oliveira
The Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (11), 2019
The dynamics of subunit rotation in a eukaryotic ribosome
FC Freitas, G Fuchs, RJ de Oliveira, PC Whitford
Biophysica 1 (2), 204-221, 2021
The Role of Electrostatics and Folding Kinetics on the Thermostability of Homologous Cold Shock Proteins
PHB Ferreira, FC Freitas, ME McCully, GG Slade, RJ de Oliveira
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 60 (2), 546-561, 2020
Biotin-painted proteins have thermodynamic stability switched by kinetic folding routes
FC Freitas, M Maldonado, AB Oliveira Junior, JN Onuchic, RJ Oliveira
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (19), 2022
The use of short videos to teach introductory semiconductor topics
FC Freitas, AJA Oliveira
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 37 (3), 3502-1-3502-7, 2015
Extension-Dependent Drift Velocity and Diffusion (DrDiff) Directly Reconstructs the Folding Free Energy Landscape of Atomic Force Microscopy Experiments
FC Freitas, R Junio de Oliveira
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (3), 800-807, 2020
Quantifying biomolecular diffusion with a “spherical cow” model
FC Freitas, S Byju, A Hassan, RJ Oliveira, PC Whitford
American Journal of Physics 90 (3), 225-238, 2022
Semicondutores no Ensino Médio – uma proposta de ensino de Física Contemporânea
FC Freitas
Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2013
Understanding the energetics of translation in bacterial and eukaryotic ribosomes
A Wang, AH Hassan, FC Freitas, V Singh, A Amunts, PC Whitford
Biophysical Journal 122 (3), 317a, 2023
Erratum:“Biotin-painted proteins have thermodynamic stability switched by kinetic folding routes”[J. Chem. Phys. 156, 195101 (2022)]
FC Freitas, M Maldonado, AB Oliveira Junior, JN Onuchic, RJ Oliveira
The Journal of Chemical Physics 157 (4), 2022
Caracterização das propriedades difusivas de biomoléculas: do enovelamento aos rearranjos conformacionais
Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro, 2021
Chapter 7. Protein Folding Dynamics as a Diffusive Reaction in the Energy Landscape Surface
FC Freitas, PHB Ferreira, GG Slade, RJ Oliveira
Advances in Medicine and Biology 139, 175--207, 2019
Elaboração de roteiros para vídeos usados como estratégia para introduzir conceitos de Física Aplicada no Ensino médio: Semicondutores
FC Freitas, AB de Siqueira, AJA de Oliveira, 2013
Supporting Information Shedding Light on the Inhibitory Mechanisms of SARS-CoV-1/CoV-2 spike proteins by ACE2-Designed Peptides
FC Freitas, PHB Ferreira, D Cristina
Characterization of a spark-based Long Period Grating (LPG) recording system
FC Freitas, F Kuller, M Muller, JL Fabris, CK Saul
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Articles 1–17