Carlos H. Castano Giraldo
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Cited by
Prácticas educativas en entornos Web 2.0
C Castaño, G Palacio, I Maiz, JD Villarroel
Síntesis, 2008
Las nuevas tecnologías en la actividad universitaria
J Cabero Almenara, C Castaño Garrido, B Cebreiro López, ...
Universidad de Sevilla, 2003
Análisis y evaluación de las actitudes de los profesores hacia los medios de enseñanza
C Castaño
Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 1994
Preparation and enhanced thermal performance of novel (solid to gel) form-stable eutectic PCM modified by nano-graphene platelets
RM Saeed, JP Schlegel, C Castano, R Sawafta
Journal of Energy Storage 15, 91-102, 2018
Diseño, motivación y rendimiento en un curso MOOC cooperativo= Design, Motivation and Performance in a Cooperative MOOC Course
C Castaño, I Maiz, U Garay
Comunicar: Revista Científica Iberoamericana de Comunicación y Educación …, 2015
Preparation and thermal performance of methyl palmitate and lauric acid eutectic mixture as phase change material (PCM)
RM Saeed, JP Schlegel, C Castano, R Sawafta, V Kuturu
Journal of Energy Storage 13, 418-424, 2017
Uncertainty of thermal characterization of phase change material by differential scanning calorimetry analysis
RM Saeed, JP Schlegel, C Castano, R Sawafta
Int. J. Eng. Res. Technol 5 (1), 405-412, 2016
Design, motivation and performance in a cooperative MOOC course.
C Castano, I Maiz, U Garay
Online Submission 22 (44), 19-26, 2015
Production of palladium nanoparticles supported on multiwalled carbon nanotubes by gamma irradiation
JV Rojas, CH Castano
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 81 (1), 16-21, 2012
Transport and magnetic anomalies below in a hydrogen-cycled Pd foil with a thermally grown oxide
A Lipson, BJ Heuser, C Castano, G Miley, B Lyakhov, A Mitin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (21), 212507, 2005
Teoría y técnicas de desarrollo organizacional. v. 4
JM Marín, A Melgar, C Castaño
Documentos Técnicos Guatemala; 10, 1989
Synthesis and characterization of lanthanum phosphate nanoparticles as carriers for 223Ra and 225Ra for targeted alpha therapy
JV Rojas, JD Woodward, N Chen, AJ Rondinone, CH Castano, ...
Nuclear medicine and biology 42 (7), 614-620, 2015
La investigación en medios y materiales de enseñanza
C Castaño
Para una tecnología educativa. Barcelona: Horsori, 269-295, 1994
Mi confesión: Carlos Castaño revela sus secretos
MA Molina, C Castaño
Editorial Oveja Negra, 2001
The material characterization and gamma attenuation properties of Portland cement-Fe3O4 composites for potential dry cask applications
R Florez, HA Colorado, A Alajo, CHC Giraldo
Progress in Nuclear Energy 111, 65-73, 2019
Wollastonite based-Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics with lead oxide contents under gamma irradiation
HA Colorado, J Pleitt, C Hiel, JM Yang, HT Hahn, CH Castano
Journal of Nuclear Materials 425 (1-3), 197-204, 2012
Use and abuse of social media by adolescents: a study in Mexico
M Rubicelia, C Castaño
Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Educación, 7-28, 2019
Evaluación de las deficiencias nutricionales en el cultivo de la mora (Rubus glaucus) en condiciones controladas para bosque montano bajo
CA Castaño, CS Morales, FH Obando
Agronomía 16 (1), 75-88, 2008
Preparation and characterization of Portland cement pastes with Sm2O3 microparticle additions for neutron shielding applications
R Florez, HA Colorado, CHC Giraldo, A Alajo
Construction and Building Materials 191, 498-506, 2018
La utilización de las TICs en la enseñanza primaria y secundaria obligatoria: necesidades de formación del profesorado
C Castaño, I Maiz, N Beloki, J Bilbao, R Quecedo, I Mentxaka
Actas de Edutec, 2004
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Articles 1–20