D.D. Risanti
Cited by
Cited by
Strengthening of iron aluminide alloys by atomic ordering and Laves phase precipitation for high-temperature applications
DD Risanti, G Sauthoff
Intermetallics 13 (12), 1313-1321, 2005
Dependence of the brittle-to-ductile transition temperature (BDTT) on the Al content of Fe–Al alloys
D Risanti, J Deges, L Falat, S Kobayashi, J Konrad, M Palm, B Pöter, ...
Intermetallics 13 (12), 1337-1342, 2005
A systematic study of the effect of interrupted ageing conditions on the strength and toughness development of AA6061
DD Risanti, M Yin, PEJRD del Castillo, S van Der Zwaag
Materials Science and Engineering: A 523 (1-2), 99-111, 2009
Synthesis and characterization of TiO2@ SiO2 and SiO2@ TiO2 core-shell structure using lapindo mud extract via sol-gel method
HA Budiarti, RN Puspitasari, AM Hatta, DD Risanti
Procedia engineering 170, 65-71, 2017
Microstructures and mechanical properties of Fe–Al–Ta alloys with strengthening Laves phase
DD Risanti, G Sauthoff
Intermetallics 19 (11), 1727-1736, 2011
On the transformation behaviour of NiTi particulate reinforced AA2124 composites
RR Thorat, DD Risanti, D San Martín, G Garces, PEJRD Del Castillo, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 477 (1-2), 307-315, 2009
Utilization of Cacao Pod Husk (Theobroma cacao l.) as Activated Carbon and Catalyst in Biodiesel Production Process from Waste Cooking Oil
D Rachmat, LJ Mawarani, DD Risanti
IOP conference series: Materials science and engineering 299, 012093, 2018
Experimental data of CaTiO3 photocatalyst for degradation of organic pollutants (Brilliant green dye)–Green synthesis, characterization and kinetic study
L Ernawati, RA Wahyuono, H Widiyandari, DD Risanti, AW Yusariarta, ...
Data in brief 32, 106099, 2020
Iron–aluminium-base alloys with strengthening Laves phase for structural applications at high temperatures
DD Risanti, G Sauthoff
Materials Science Forum 475, 865-868, 2005
Strengthening mechanisms for Fe-Al-based alloys with increased creep resistance at high temperatures
M Palm, R Krein, S Milenkovic, G Sauthoff, D Risanti, C Stallybrass, ...
MRS Online Proceedings Library 980, 1-12, 2006
On the production and properties of novel particulate NiTip/AA2124 metal matrix composites
D San Martín, DD Risanti, G Garces, PEJ Rivera-Diaz-del-Castillo, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 526 (1-2), 250-252, 2009
Enhanced dye-sensitized solar cells performance through novel core-shell structure of gold nanoparticles and nano-silica extracted from lapindo mud vulcano
RN Puspitasari, HA Budiarti, AM Hatta, DD Risanti
Procedia Engineering 170, 93-100, 2017
Photoelectrochemical performance of DSSC with monodisperse and polydisperse ZnO SPs
RA Wahyuono, DD Risanti, T Shirosaki, S Nagaoka, M Takafuji, H Ihara
AIP Conference Proceedings 1586 (1), 78-81, 2014
The effect of paste preparation and annealing temperature of ZnO photoelectrode to dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC) performance
A Syukron, RA Wahyuono, D Sawitri, DD Risanti
Advanced Materials Research 896, 183-186, 2014
Preparation of Au@ TiO2@ SiO2 core-shell nanostructure and their light harvesting capability on DSSC (dye sensitized solar cells)
N Fadhilah, DY Pratama, D Sawitri, DD Risanti
AIP conference proceedings 2088 (1), 2019
Effects of nano anatase-rutile volume fraction with natural dye containing anthocyanin on the dye sensitized solar cell performance
S Agustini, RA Wahyuono, D Sawitri, DD Risanti
AIP Conference Proceedings 1554 (1), 66-69, 2013
Modeling and experiment of dye-sensitized solar cell with vertically aligned ZnO nanorods through chemical bath deposition
RA Wahyuono, DD Risanti
International Seminar on Photonics, Optics, and Its Applications (ISPhOA …, 2015
Energy Experiment Teaching Kit sebagai Alat Bantu Materi Pembelajaran Energi Terbarukan yang Interaktif dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Sains Siswa SDN Ajung 01 Kalisat
N Fadhilah, DD Risanti, RA Wahyuono, D Sawitri, LJ Mawarani, ...
Sewagati 7 (4), 634-642, 2023
Purification of biodiesel using activated carbon produced from cocoa pod husk
D Rachmat, AD Agustin, DD Risanti
E3S Web of Conferences 42, 01012, 2018
Evolution of ZnO Nanoflower-Like Structure Formation and Growth during Synthesis and Paste Preparation
M Iqbal, R Mahendra, RA Wahyuono, D Sawitri, DD Risanti
Advanced Materials Research 1123, 219-222, 2015
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Articles 1–20