Anna Ngozi Agiriga
Cited by
Cited by
Proximate, functional and pasting properties of FARO 44 rice, African yam bean and brown cowpea seeds composite flour.
Cogent Food and Agriculture, 2: 1142409., 2016
Effect of whole wheat flour on the quality of wheat - baked bread.
AN Agiriga
Global Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2(3):127-133., 2014
Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal: A plant with multiple food, health and medicinal applications: A review
A Agiriga, M Siwela
Am. J. Food Technol 12 (4), 271-284, 2017
Production and evaluation of bread made from modified cassava starch and wheat flour blends
MO Iwe, GO Okereke, AN Agiriga
Agrotechnology 4 (1), 133-139, 2014
Impact of different blanching treatments on the nutritional and sensory properties of oven dried carrot slices
AN Agiriga, MO Iwe, UJ Etoamaihe, OA Olaoye
Sky Journal of Food Science 4 (7), 102-107, 2015
Proximate, functional and pasting properties of FARO 44 rice, African yam bean and brown cowpea seeds composite flour. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 2, 1–10
MO Iwe, U Onyeukwu, AN Agiriga
DOI 10 (23311932.2016), 1142409, 2016
Effects of thermal processing on the nutritional, antinutrient, and in vitro antioxidant profile of Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) dunal seeds
AN Agiriga, M Siwela
Preventive nutrition and food science 23 (3), 235, 2018
Optimization of chemical properties of cassava varieties harvested at different times using response surface methodology
A Agiriga, M Iwe
American Journal of Advanced Food Science and Technology 4 (1), 10-21, 2016
Physical properties of Cookies produced from cassava-groundnut-corn-starch blend-A response surface analysis
AN Agiriga, MO Iwe
Proximate and sensory properties of fruit juice produced from varieties of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus).
OY Eziaghighala, MO Iwe, AN Agiriga
Nigerian Food Journal 28 (2), 2010
Proximate composition of cookies produced from cassava groundnut‐corn starch blend. A response surface analysis
AN Agiriga, MO Iwe
Nigerian Food Journal 27 (1), 102-107, 2009
Mathematical modelling of thin layer solar drying of Ighu
M Iwe, C Okoro, AB Eke, A Agiriga
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 20 (4), 149-156, 2018
Effect of Different Harvesting Regimes on the Pasting Properties of Selected Varieties of Banana–A Response Surface Study
MO Iwe, AN Agiriga
Agrotechnol 4 (132), 2, 2015
The effect of thermal processing on the protein quality of Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal seeds
N Anna, S Muthulisi
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Technologia Alimentaria 17 (4), 321-333, 2018
Techniques Applied in Characterising Non-starch Polysaccharides in Underutilised Crops in Sub-Saharan Africa
A Agiriga, M Siwela
Food Analytical Methods 10, 3106-3118, 2017
Drying rate of selected varieties of cassava at different time of harvest-a response surface study
AN Agiriga, MO Iwe
British Journal of Applied Science & Techn 13 (5), 1-12, 2015
Pasting and Functional Properties of Monodora Myristica (Gaertn.) Seed Flour as Affected by Thermal Processing
AN Agiriga, MO Iwe, OA Olaoye
European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences 4 (4), 19-24, 2022
Oxidative and Frying Stabilities of Monodora myristica (Gaertn.) Dunal Seed Oil of Nigerian Origin.
AN Agiriga, MO Iwe, SVA Uzochukwu, OA Olaoye
Journal of Food Quality & Hazards Control 10 (1), 2023
In vitro assay for production of organic acids and diacetyl by Lactococcus spp. isolated from food source
OA Olaoye, SC Ubbor, AN Agiriga
Chemistry Research Journal 1, 76-84, 2016
Investigating the effects of sprouting on quality attributes of cocoyam flour and its performance as composite of wheat in bread production.
OA Olaoye, AN Agiriga, DC Ogada
Annals: Food Science & Technology 17 (1), 2016
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Articles 1–20