P.  Bera
P. Bera
Professor of Mathematics, IIT Roorkee
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A thermal non-equilibrium approach on double-diffusive natural convection in a square porous-medium cavity
P Bera, S Pippal, AK Sharma
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 78, 1080-1094, 2014
Double-diffusive natural convection in an anisotropic porous cavity with opposing buoyancy forces: multi-solutions and oscillations
P Bera, A Khalili
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 45 (15), 3205-3222, 2002
Influence of Prandtl number on stability of mixed convective flow in a vertical channel filled with a porous medium
P Bera, A Khalili
Physics of fluids 18 (12), 2006
Influence of periodicity of sinusoidal bottom boundary condition on natural convection in porous enclosure
MK Khandelwal, P Bera, A Chakrabarti
International journal of heat and mass transfer 55 (11-12), 2889-2900, 2012
Numerical study of heat and mass transfer in an anisotropic porous enclosure due to constant heating and cooling
P Bera, V Eswara, P Singh
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications 34 (8), 887-905, 1998
An efficient C0 FE model for the analysis of composites and sandwich laminates with general layup
SK Singh, A Chakrabarti, P Bera, JSD Sony
Latin American Journal of solids and structures 8, 197-212, 2011
Stability of mixed convection in an anisotropic vertical porous channel
P Bera, A Khalili
Physics of Fluids 14 (5), 1617-1630, 2002
A thermal non-equilibrium perspective on mixed convection in a vertical channel
MK Khandelwal, P Bera
International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2012
Influence of inertia and drag terms on the stability of mixed convection in a vertical porous-medium channel
J Kumar, P Bera, A Khalili
International journal of heat and mass transfer 53 (23-24), 5261-5273, 2010
Non-Darcy mixed convection in a vertical pipe filled with porous medium
A Kumar, P Bera, J Kumar
International journal of thermal sciences 50 (5), 725-735, 2011
A thermal non-equilibrium approach for 2D natural convection due to lateral heat flux: Square as well as slender enclosure
S Pippal, P Bera
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 56 (1-2), 501-515, 2013
Natural convection in an anisotropic porous enclosure due to nonuniform heating from the bottom wall
A Kumar, P Bera
Stability of buoyancy opposed mixed convection in a vertical channel and its dependence on permeability
P Bera, A Khalili
Advances in water resources 30 (11), 2296-2308, 2007
Finite amplitude analysis of non-isothermal parallel flow in a vertical channel filled with a highly permeable porous medium
AK Sharma, MK Khandelwal, P Bera
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 857, 469-507, 2018
A thermal non-equilibrium perspective on instability mechanism of non-isothermal Poiseuille flow in a vertical porous-medium channel
P Bera, MK Khandelwal
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 105, 159-173, 2016
Weakly nonlinear stability analysis of non-isothermal Poiseuille flow in a vertical channel
MK Khandelwal, P Bera
Physics of Fluids 27 (6), 2015
Hot springs mediate spatial exchange of heat and mass in the enclosed sediment domain: A stability perspective
P Bera, J Kumar, A Khalili
Advances in water resources 34 (7), 817-828, 2011
Double-diffusive mixed convection in a vertical pipe: A thermal non-equilibrium approach
P Bera, S Kapoor, MK Khandelwal
International journal of heat and mass transfer 55 (23-24), 7079-7092, 2012
Natural convection in a square cavity filled with an anisotropic porous medium due to sinusoidal heat flux on horizontal walls
H Chandra, P Bera, AK Sharma
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 77 (3), 317-341, 2020
Linear stability of mixed convection in a differentially heated vertical channel filled with high permeable porous-medium
AK Sharma, P Bera
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 134, 622-638, 2018
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Articles 1–20