Rahul Radhakrishnan
Cited by
Cited by
Gaussian Sum Shifted Rayleigh Filter for Underwater Bearings-Only Target Tracking Problems
R Radhakrishnan, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 1-10, 2018
A New Method for Generating Sigma Points and Weights for Nonlinear Filtering
R Radhakrishnan, A Yadav, P Date, S Bhaumik
IEEE Control Systems Letters 2 (03), 519-524, 2018
Multiple sparse-grid Gauss–Hermite filtering
R Radhakrishnan, AK Singh, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
Applied Mathematical Modelling 40 (7-8), 4441-4450, 2016
Quadrature filters for underwater passive bearings-only target tracking
R Radhakrishnan, AK Singh, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
2015 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD), 1-5, 2015
Bayesian approximation filtering with false data attack on network
AK Singh, S Kumar, N Kumar, R Radhakrishnan
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 58 (2), 976-988, 2021
Adaptive sparse-grid Gauss–Hermite filter
AK Singh, R Radhakrishnan, S Bhaumik, P Date
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 342, 305-316, 2018
Continuous‐discrete filters for bearings‐only underwater target tracking problems
R Radhakrishnan, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
Asian Journal of Control 21 (4), 1576-1586, 2019
2D and 3D Angles-Only Target Tracking Based on Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filters
A Urooj, A Dak, B Ristic, R Radhakrishnan
Sensors 22 (15), 5625, 2022
Three-Dimensional Bearings-Only Target Tracking: Comparison of Few Sigma Point Kalman Filters
U Asfia, R Radhakrishnan, SN Sharma
Communication and Control for Robotic Systems 229, 273-289, 2021
Particle Filter for Underwater Passive Bearings-Only Target Tracking with Random Missing Measurements
RK Tiwari, R Radhakrishnan, S Bhaumik
2018 European Control Conference (ECC), 2732-2737, 2018
Experimentally Validated Frequency Shifted Internal Model Cascade Control Strategy for Magnetic Levitation System
A Sagar, R Radhakrishnan, GL Raja
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 26, 100234, 2023
Bayesian Filters for Parameter Identification of Duffing Oscillator
VK Mishra, R Radhakrishnan, AK Singh, S Bhaumik
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (1), 425-430, 2018
Continuous-discrete shifted Rayleigh filter for underwater passive bearings-only target tracking
R Radhakrishnan, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
2017 11th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), 795-800, 2017
Non-iterative Cauchy kernel-based maximum correntropy cubature Kalman filter for non-Gaussian systems
A Dak, R Radhakrishnan
Control Theory and Technology 20 (4), 465-474, 2022
Ballistic target tracking and its interception using suboptimal filters on reentry
R Radhakrishnan, M Saha, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
2016 Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design …, 2016
Nonlinear estimation with transformed cubature quadrature points
AK Singh, S Bhaumik, R Radhakrishnan
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2014
Tracking and Interception of a Spiralling Ballistic Target on Reentry
A Dak, R Radhakrishnan
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (1), 339-344, 2022
Continuous-Discrete Quadrature Filters for Intercepting a Ballistic Target on Reentry using Seeker Measurements
R Radhakrishnan, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (1), 383-388, 2018
IMM-cubature quadrature Kalman filter for manoeuvring target tracking
R Radhakrishnan, AK Singh, S Bhaumik, NK Tomar
2015 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Informatics …, 2015
Parameterised State Estimation Approach for 2-Dimensional Underwater Bearings only Target Tracking
R Khandelwal, A Urooj, R Radhakrishnan
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (1), 801-806, 2022
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Articles 1–20