Dadín Prando Moore
Dadín Prando Moore
Doctor en Ciencias Veterinarias; Universidad Nacional de La Plata 
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Aetiology of bovine abortion in Argentina
CM Campero, DP Moore, AC Odeón, AL Cipolla, E Odriozola
Veterinary Research Communications 27, 359-369, 2003
Seroepidemiology of beef and dairy herds and fetal study of Neospora caninum in Argentina
DP Moore, CM Campero, AC Odeón, MA Posso, D Cano, MR Leunda, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 107 (4), 303-316, 2002
Neosporosis in South America
DP Moore
Veterinary parasitology 127 (2), 87-97, 2005
Demonstration of Listeria monocytogenes by Immunohistochemistry in Formalin‐Fixed Brain Tissues from Natural Cases of Ovine and Bovine Encephalitis
CM Campero, AC Odeón, AL Cipolla, DP Moore, MA Poso, E Odriozola
Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B 49 (8), 379-383, 2002
Risk factors associated with Neospora caninum infections in cattle in Argentina
DP Moore, A Pérez, S Agliano, M Brace, G Cantón, D Cano, MR Leunda, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 161 (1-2), 122-125, 2009
Genetic diversity and geographic population structure of bovine Neospora caninum determined by microsatellite genotyping analysis
J Regidor-Cerrillo, F Díez-Fuertes, A García-Culebras, DP Moore, ...
PLoS One 8 (8), e72678, 2013
Apoptosis in thyroid neoplasms: relationship with p53 and bcl‐2 expression
Garcia, Chakrabarti
Histopathology 32 (1), 35-42, 1998
The Neospora caninum-Spain 7 isolate induces placental damage, fetal death and abortion in cattle when inoculated in early gestation
SG Caspe, DP Moore, MR Leunda, DB Cano, L Lischinsky, ...
Veterinary parasitology 189 (2-4), 171-181, 2012
Neosporosis bovina: conceptos generales, inmunidad y perspectivas para la vacunación
DP Moore, AC Odeón, MC Venturini, CM Campero
Revista argentina de microbiología 37 (4), 217-228, 2005
Immune response and protection provided by live tachyzoites and native antigens from the NC-6 Argentina strain of Neospora caninum in pregnant heifers
YP Hecker, DP Moore, V Quattrocchi, J Regidor-Cerrillo, A Verna, ...
Veterinary parasitology 197 (3-4), 436-446, 2013
First report of seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum in dairy sheep from Humid Pampa, Argentina
YP Hecker, DP Moore, JA Manazza, JM Unzaga, EJA Späth, LL Pardini, ...
Tropical animal health and production 45, 1645-1647, 2013
Neospora caninum causes severe economic losses in cattle in the humid pampa region of Argentina
D Moore, M Reichel, E Spath, C Campero
Tropical Animal Health and Production 45, 1237-1241, 2013
Reproductive Losses due to Neospora caninum in a Beef Herd in Argentina
DP Moore, CM Campero, AC Odeón, R Chayer, MA Bianco
Journal of Veterinary Medicine, Series B 50 (6), 304-308, 2003
A review of Neospora caninum in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
MP Reichel, MM McAllister, A Nasir, DP Moore
Veterinary parasitology 212 (3-4), 75-79, 2015
Detection of antibodies against Brucella abortus, Leptospira spp., and Apicomplexa protozoa in water buffaloes in the Northeast of Argentina
JL Konrad, LM Campero, GS Caspe, B Brihuega, G Draghi, DP Moore, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 45, 1751-1756, 2013
Evaluation and comparison of serological methods for the detection of bovine neosporosis in Argentina
LM Campero, L Minke, G Moré, M Rambeaud, D Bacigalupe, DP Moore, ...
Revista Argentina de microbiologia 47 (4), 295-301, 2015
Immune response to Neospora caninum native antigens formulated with immune stimulating complexes in calves
DP Moore, I Echaide, AE Verna, MR Leunda, A Cano, S Pereyra, ...
Veterinary parasitology 175 (3-4), 245-251, 2011
Neospora caninum serostatus is affected by age and species variables in cohabiting water buffaloes and beef cattle
DP Moore, JL Konrad, S San Martino, MP Reichel, DB Cano, S Méndez, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 203 (3-4), 259-263, 2014
Immune response to Neospora caninum in naturally infected heifers and heifers vaccinated with inactivated antigen during the second trimester of gestation
DP Moore, MR Leunda, PI Zamorano, AC Odeón, SA Romera, A Cano, ...
Veterinary parasitology 130 (1-2), 29-39, 2005
The role of Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii in spontaneous bovine abortion in Argentina
DP Moore, J Regidor-Cerrillo, E Morrell, MA Poso, DB Cano, MR Leunda, ...
Veterinary Parasitology 156 (3-4), 163-167, 2008
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Articles 1–20