Hassan Farsi
Hassan Farsi
Professor in Department of Electrical and Computer Eng., University of Birjand
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Content-based image retrieval by combining convolutional neural networks and sparse representation
A Sezavar, H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
Multimedia Tools and Applications 78, 20895-20912, 2019
Colour and texture feature‐based image retrieval by using Hadamard matrix in discrete wavelet transform
H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
IET Image Processing 7 (3), 212-218, 2013
A new feature extraction method to improve emotion detection using EEG signals
H Zamanian, H Farsi
ELCVIA Electronic Letters on Computer Vision and Image Analysis 17 (1), 29-44, 2018
A modified grasshopper optimization algorithm combined with cnn for content based image retrieval
A Sezavar, H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
International Journal of Engineering 32 (7), 924-930, 2019
A new sample consensus based on sparse coding for improved matching of SIFT features on remote sensing images
P Etezadifar, H Farsi
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 58 (8), 5254-5263, 2020
Content‐based image retrieval system via sparse representation
S Mohamadzadeh, H Farsi
IET Computer Vision 10 (1), 95-102, 2016
Passive sonar target detection using statistical classifier and adaptive threshold
HK Alaie, H Farsi
Preprints, 2017
A new steganography algorithm based on video sparse representation
A Jalali, H Farsi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (3), 1821-1846, 2020
Eye gaze detection based on learning automata by using SURF descriptor
H Farsi, R Nasiripour, S Mohammadzadeh
Information Systems & Telecommunication 6 (1), 41-49, 2018
Scalable video summarization via sparse dictionary learning and selection simultaneously
P Etezadifar, H Farsi
Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 7947-7971, 2017
Combining Hadamard matrix, discrete wavelet transform and DCT features based on PCA and KNN for image retrieval
H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering 7 (124), 9-15, 2013
Image edge detection with fuzzy ant colony optimization algorithm
Z Dorrani, H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
International Journal of Engineering 33 (12), 2464-2470, 2020
Passive sonar target detection using statistical classifier and adaptive threshold
H Komari Alaie, H Farsi
Applied Sciences 8 (1), 61, 2018
Improvement of minimum tracking in minimum statistics noise estimation method
H Farsi
Signal Processing: An International Journal (SPIJ) 4 (1), 17-25, 2010
Content based video retrieval based on hdwt and sparse representation
S Mohamadzadeh, H Farsi
Image Analysis and Stereology 35 (2), 67-80, 2016
Visual saliency object detection using sparse learning
R Nasiripour, H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
IET Image Processing 13 (13), 2436-2447, 2019
Improving voice activity detection used in ITU-T G. 729. B
H Farsi, MA Mozaffarian, H Rahmani
3rd WSEAS International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Signal and …, 2009
Deep Multi-task Convolutional Neural Networks for Efficient Classification of Face Attributes
M Rohani, H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
International Journal of Engineering 36 (11), 2102-2111, 2023
Estimation of hand skeletal postures by using deep convolutional neural networks
A Gheitasi, H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
International Journal of Engineering 33 (4), 552-559, 2020
Detection and classification of skin cancer using deep learning
S Fooladi, H Farsi, S Mohamadzadeh
J Birjand Univ Med Sci 26 (1), 44-53, 2019
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Articles 1–20