Zhongbin Sun
Cited by
Cited by
Data quality: Some comments on the nasa software defect datasets
M Shepperd, Q Song, Z Sun, C Mair
IEEE Transactions on software engineering 39 (9), 1208-1215, 2013
A novel ensemble method for classifying imbalanced data
Z Sun, Q Song, X Zhu, H Sun, B Xu, Y Zhou
Pattern Recognition 48 (5), 1623-1637, 2015
Using coding-based ensemble learning to improve software defect prediction
Z Sun, Q Song, X Zhu
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2012
Network embedding for community detection in attributed networks
H Sun, F He, J Huang, Y Sun, Y Li, C Wang, L He, Z Sun, X Jia
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 14 (3), 1-25, 2020
CFPS: Collaborative filtering based source projects selection for cross-project defect prediction
Z Sun, J Li, H Sun, L He
Applied Soft Computing 99, 106940, 2021
Collaborative filtering based recommendation of sampling methods for software defect prediction
Z Sun, J Zhang, H Sun, X Zhu
Applied Soft Computing 90, 106163, 2020
An efficient destination prediction approach based on future trajectory prediction and transition matrix optimization
Z Yang, H Sun, J Huang, Z Sun, H Xiong, S Qiao, Z Guan, X Jia
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 32 (2), 203-217, 2018
Community search for multiple nodes on attribute graphs
H Sun, R Huang, X Jia, L He, M Sun, P Wang, Z Sun, J Huang
Knowledge-Based Systems 193, 105393, 2020
Inconsistent defect labels: Essence, causes, and influence
S Liu, Z Guo, Y Li, C Wang, L Chen, Z Sun, Y Zhou, B Xu
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49 (2), 586-610, 2022
Leader-aware community detection in complex networks
H Sun, H Du, J Huang, Y Li, Z Sun, L He, X Jia, Z Zhao
Knowledge and Information Systems 62, 639-668, 2020
Automated identification of change-prone classes in open source software projects.
X Zhu, Q Song, Z Sun
J. Softw. 8 (2), 361-366, 2013
An adaptive function placement in serverless computing
D Xu, Z Sun
Cluster Computing 25 (5), 3161-3174, 2022
An empirical study of public data quality problems in cross project defect prediction
Z Sun, J Li, H Sun
arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.10787, 2018
An empirical study of software change classification with imbalance data‐handling methods
X Zhu, B Niu, EJ Whitehead Jr, Z Sun
Software: Practice and Experience 48 (11), 1968-1999, 2018
A Multi-label Imbalanced Data Classification Method Based on Label Partition Integration
Y Diao, Z Sun, Y Zhou
International Conference on Web Information Systems and Applications, 14-25, 2023
Detecting semantic‐based communities in node‐attributed graphs
H Sun, H Du, J Huang, Z Sun, L He, X Jia, Z Zhao
Computational Intelligence 34 (4), 1199-1222, 2018
Mining cohesive clusters with interpretations in labeled graphs
H Du, H Sun, J Huang, Z Sun, L He, H Cheng
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 21st Pacific-Asia …, 2017
AutoIDL: Automated Imbalanced Data Learning via Collaborative Filtering
J Zhang, Z Sun, Y Qi
International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management …, 2020
An extensive empirical study of inconsistent labels in multi-version-project defect data sets
S Liu, Z Guo, Y Li, C Wang, L Chen, Z Sun, Y Zhou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11749, 2021
A truss‐based approach for densest homogeneous subgraph mining in node‐attributed graphs
H Sun, Y Zhang, X Jia, P Wang, R Huang, J Huang, L He, Z Sun
Computational Intelligence 37 (2), 995-1010, 2021
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Articles 1–20