Sandra Mitrović
Sandra Mitrović
Postdoctoral Researcher, IDSIA
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Cited by
Cited by
Machine-learned identification of RR Lyrae stars from sparse, multi-band data: the PS1 sample
B Sesar, N Hernitschek, S Mitrović, Ž Ivezić, HW Rix, JG Cohen, ...
The Astronomical Journal 153 (5), 204, 2017
Chatgpt or human? detect and explain. explaining decisions of machine learning model for detecting short chatgpt-generated text
S Mitrović, D Andreoletti, O Ayoub
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13852, 2023
Combining temporal aspects of dynamic networks with node2vec for a more efficient dynamic link prediction
S De Winter, T Decuypere, S Mitrović, B Baesens, J De Weerdt
2018 IEEE/ACM international conference on advances in social networks …, 2018
Angrybert: Joint learning target and emotion for hate speech detection
MR Awal, R Cao, RKW Lee, S Mitrović
Pacific-Asia conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, 701-713, 2021
On the operational efficiency of different feature types for telco Churn prediction
S Mitrović, B Baesens, W Lemahieu, J De Weerdt
European Journal of Operational Research 267 (3), 1141-1155, 2018
tcc2vec: RFM-informed representation learning on call graphs for churn prediction
S Mitrović, B Baesens, W Lemahieu, J De Weerdt
Information Sciences 557, 270-285, 2021
ChatGPT or human? Detect and explain. Explaining decisions of machine learning model for detecting short ChatGPT-generated text. DOI: 10.48550
S Mitrovic, D Andreoletti, O Ayoub
arXiv preprint arXiv.2301.13852, 2023
On analyzing antisocial behaviors amid COVID-19 pandemic
MR Awal, R Cao, S Mitrovic, RKW Lee
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.10712, 2020
SST-BERT at SemEval-2020 task 1: Semantic shift tracing by clustering in BERT-based embedding spaces
V Kanjirangat, S Mitrovic, A Antonucci, F Rinaldi
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 214-221, 2020
Representation learning in graphs for credit card fraud detection
R Van Belle, S Mitrović, J De Weerdt
Mining Data for Financial Applications: 4th ECML PKDD Workshop, MIDAS 2019 …, 2020
Scalable RFM-enriched representation learning for churn prediction
S Mitrovic, G Singh, B Baesens, W Lemahieu, J De Weerdt
2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics …, 2017
Churn modeling with probabilistic meta paths-based representation learning
S Mitrović, J De Weerdt
Information Processing & Management 57 (2), 102052, 2020
Dyn2Vec: Exploiting dynamic behaviour using difference networks-based node embeddings for classification
S Mitrovic, J De Weerdt
On analyzing annotation consistency in online abusive behavior datasets
MR Awal, R Cao, RKW Lee, S Mitrović
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.13507, 2020
Churn prediction using dynamic rfm-augmented node2vec
S Mitrović, B Baesens, W Lemahieu, J De Weerdt
Personal Analytics and Privacy. An Individual and Collective Perspective …, 2017
Summarizing citation contexts of scientific publications
S Mitrović, H Müller
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 6th …, 2015
ChatGPT or human
S Mitrović, D Andreoletti, O Ayoub
Detect and explain. Explaining decisions of machine learning model for …, 2023
ChatGPT or Human? Detect and Explain. Explaining Decisions of Machine Learning Model for Detecting Short ChatGPT-generated Text (arXiv: 2301.13852). arXiv
S Mitrović, D Andreoletti, O Ayoub
arXiv preprint arXiv.2301.13852, 2023
SST-BERT at semeval-2020 task 1: Semantic shift tracing by clustering in bert-based embedding spaces
K Vani, S Mitrovic, A Antonucci, F Rinaldi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00857, 2020
A comparative study of community detection techniques for large evolving graphs
L Coppens, J De Venter, S Mitrović, J De Weerdt
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: International …, 2020
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Articles 1–20