Gertjan Bisschop
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient ancestry and mutation simulation with msprime 1.0
F Baumdicker, G Bisschop, D Goldstein, G Gower, AP Ragsdale, ...
Genetics 220 (3), iyab229, 2022
Demes: a standard format for demographic models
KRT Graham Gower, Aaron P Ragsdale, Gertjan Bisschop, Ryan N Gutenkunst ...
Genetics, 2022
Demographically explicit scans for barriers to gene flow using gIMble
DR Laetsch, G Bisschop, SH Martin, S Aeschbacher, D Setter, K Lohse
PLoS genetics 19 (10), e1010999, 2023
Sweeps in time: leveraging the joint distribution of branch lengths
G Bisschop, K Lohse, D Setter
Genetics 219 (2), iyab119, 2021
The impact of global selection on local adaptation and reproductive isolation
G Bisschop, D Setter, M Rafajlović, SJE Baird, K Lohse
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 375 (1806), 20190531, 2020
The genome sequence of the small tortoiseshell butterfly, Aglais urticae (linnaeus, 1758)
Darwin Tree of Life Project Consortium
Wellcome Open Research 6, 233, 2021
Efficient ancestry and mutation simulation with msprime 1.0. Genetics, p. iyab229
F Baumdicker, G Bisschop, D Goldstein, G Gower, AP Ragsdale, ...
Graph-based algorithms for Laplace transformed coalescence time distributions
G Bisschop
PLOS Computational Biology 18 (9), e1010532, 2022
tstrait: a quantitative trait simulator for ancestral recombination graphs
D Tagami, G Bisschop, J Kelleher
Bioinformatics, btae334, 2024
The genome sequence of the orange-tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)
S Ebdon, G Bisschop, K Lohse, I Saccheri, J Davies, WSIT of Life, ...
Wellcome Open Research 7, 2022
The genome sequence of the orange-tip butterfly, Anthocharis cardamines (Linnaeus, 1758)[version 1; peer review: awaiting
S Ebdon, G Bisschop, K Lohse, I Saccheri
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Articles 1–11