Marie Anne Schelstraete
Marie Anne Schelstraete
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Cited by
Cognitive mediators of age-related differences in language comprehension and verbal memory performance
M Van der Linden, M Hupet, P Feyereisen, MA Schelstraete, Y Bestgen, ...
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 6 (1), 32-55, 1999
Adaptation en langue française du «Reading Span Test» de Daneman et Carpenter (1980)
D Desmette, M Hupet, MA Schelstraete, M Van der Linden
L'année Psychologique 95 (3), 459-482, 1995
Traitements Du Langage Oral Chez L'enfant
MA Schelstraete, A Bragard, E Collette, C Nossent, C Van Schendel
Elsevier Health Sciences France, 2011
Phonological representations in children with SLI
C Maillart, MA Schelstraete, M Hupet
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2004
Verbal knowledge as a compensation determinant of adult age differences in verbal fluency tasks over time
H Sauzéon, C Raboutet, J Rodrigues, S Langevin, MA Schelstraete, ...
Journal of Adult Development 18, 144-154, 2011
Effects of semantic variables on the subject—verb agreement processes in writing
M Hupet, M Fayol, MA Schelstraete
British Journal of Psychology 89 (1), 59-75, 1998
Decodificación y comprensión de lectura en la edad adulta:¿ una relación que persiste?
C Muñoz-Valenzuela, MA Schesltraete
Revista Iberoamericana de educación 45 (5), 1-8, 2008
Word-finding intervention for children with specific language impairment: A multiple single-case study
A Bragard, MA Schelstraete, P Snyers, DGH James
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville, MD, 2012
The argument-structure complexity effect in children with specific language impairment: Evidence from the use of grammatical morphemes in French
F Pizzioli, MA Schelstraete
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2008
Stimulating parents' self-efficacy beliefs or verbal responsiveness: Which is the best way to decrease children's externalizing behaviors?
I Roskam, E Brassart, L Loop, B Mouton, MA Schelstraete
Behaviour research and therapy 72, 38-48, 2015
Confidence level and feeling of knowing for episodic and semantic memory: An investigation of lorazepam effects on metamemory
E Bacon, JM Danion, F Kauffmann-Muller, MA Schelstraete, A Bruant, ...
Psychopharmacology 138, 318-325, 1998
Les dysphasies: de l'évaluation à la rééducation
C Maillart, MA Schelstraete
Elsevier-Masson, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 2012
Enhancing the communication abilities of preschoolers at risk for behavior problems: Effectiveness of a parent-implemented language intervention
E Brassart, MA Schelstraete
Infants & Young Children 28 (4), 337-354, 2015
Cognitive aging and inhibitory efficiency in the Daneman and Carpenter's working memory task
MA Schelstraete, M Hupet
Experimental Aging Research 28 (3), 269-279, 2002
A qualitative analysis of mothers’ childrearing behaviour towards their disabled child
I Roskam, MA Schelstraete
Research in Developmental Disabilities 28 (2), 130-144, 2007
Early activation of Broca’s area in grammar processing as revealed by the syntactic mismatch negativity and distributed source analysis
J Hanna, S Mejias, MA Schelstraete, F Pulvermüller, Y Shtyrov, ...
Cognitive neuroscience 5 (2), 66-76, 2014
Les erreurs d'accord sujet-verbe en production écrite
M Hupet, MA Schelstraete, N Demaeght, M Fayol
L'année psychologique 96 (4), 587-610, 1996
Lecture et pathologies du langage oral
AB Dominguez, S Casalis, P Colé, J Leybaert, MA Schelstraete, ...
Presses universitaires de Grenoble, 2012
Le manque du mot dans les troubles spécifiques du langage chez l'enfant
A Bragard, MA Schelstraete
L'année psychologique 106 (4), 633-661, 2006
Word and pseudoword reading in children with specific speech and language impairment
L Macchi, MA Schelstraete, S Casalis
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (12), 3313-3325, 2014
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Articles 1–20