Tonje Lossius Husum
Tonje Lossius Husum
Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
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Cited by
A cross-sectional prospective study of seclusion, restraint and involuntary medication in acute psychiatric wards: patient, staff and ward characteristics
TL Husum, JH Bjørngaard, A Finset, T Ruud
BMC Health Services Research 10, 1-9, 2010
Ethical challenges when using coercion in mental healthcare: a systematic literature review
MH Hem, E Gjerberg, TL Husum, R Pedersen
Nursing Ethics 25 (1), 92-110, 2018
Development of small versus large hydropower in Norway–comparison of environmental impacts
TH Bakken, H Sundt, A Ruud, A Harby
Energy Procedia 20, 185-199, 2012
Staff attitudes and thoughts about the use of coercion in acute psychiatric wards
TL Husum, JH Bjørngaard, A Finset, T Ruud
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 46, 893-901, 2011
Staff’s normative attitudes towards coercion: the role of moral doubt and professional context—a cross-sectional survey study
B Molewijk, A Kok, T Husum, R Pedersen, O Aasland
BMC Medical Ethics 18, 1-14, 2017
The Staff Attitude to Coercion Scale (SACS): reliability, validity and feasibility
TL Husum, A Finset, T Ruud
International journal of law and psychiatry 31 (5), 417-422, 2008
Four reasons why assisted dying should not be offered for depression
T Blikshavn, TL Husum, M Magelssen
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 14, 151-157, 2017
Between authoritarian and dialogical approaches: attitudes and opinions on coercion among professionals in mental health and addiction care in Norway
OG Aasland, TL Husum, R Førde, R Pedersen
International journal of law and psychiatry 57, 106-112, 2018
Evaluering av mekling etter ekteskapslov og barnelov
M Ådnanes, GMD Haugen, H Jensberg, M Rantalaiho, TL Husum
Er meklingsordningen tilstrekkelig innrettet mot de vanskelige sakene …, 2011
Influence of staff's emotional reactions on the escalation of patient aggression in mental health care
MJ Haugvaldstad, TL Husum
International journal of law and psychiatry 49, 130-137, 2016
Bitte macht (irgend) was! Eine bundesweite Online-Befragung Psychiatrieerfahrener zum Einsatz milderer Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung von Zwangsmaßnahmen
K Heumann, T Bock, TM Lincoln
Psychiatrische Praxis 44 (02), 85-92, 2017
“A plea for recognition” Users’ experience of humiliation during mental health care
TL Husum, E Legernes, R Pedersen
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 62, 148-153, 2019
Staff attitudes and use of coercion in acute psychiatric wards in Norway
TL Husum
Measuring the level of compulsory hospitalisation in mental health care: The performance of different measures across areas and over time
T Hofstad, J Rugkåsa, SO Ose, O Nyttingnes, TL Husum
International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 30 (3), e1881, 2021
Som natt og dag? Om forskjeller i forståelse mellom misfornøyde brukere og ansatte om bruk av tvang
R Norvoll, TL Husum
As night and day-Difference in perception about use of coercion between …, 2011
Between No Help and Coercion: Toward Referral to Involuntary Psychiatric Admission. A Qualitative Interview Study of Stakeholders' Perspectives
I Wormdahl, TL Husum, SHH Kjus, J Rugkåsa, T Hatling, MB Rise
Frontiers in psychiatry 12, 708175, 2021
Hva karakteriserer vanskelige saker i foreldremekling, og er meklingsordningen godt nok tilpasset? Resultater fra evaluering av mekling etter ekteskapslov og barnelov
M Ådnanes, GM D. Haugen, H Jensberg, T Lossius Husum, M Rantalaiho
Fokus på familien 39 (2), 86-115, 2011
Professionals’ perspectives on factors within primary mental health services that can affect pathways to involuntary psychiatric admissions
I Wormdahl, TL Husum, J Rugkåsa, MB Rise
International journal of mental health systems 14, 1-12, 2020
En studie av synet på etiske utfordringer relatert til arbeid med bruk av tvang hos ansatte i psykiske helsetjenester
TL Husum, MH Hem, R Pedersen
Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid 15 (2-3), 98-111, 2018
Etiske dilemmaer ved bruk av tvang. I R. Pedersen & P. Nortvedt (Red.)
TL Husum, MH Hem
Etikk i psykiske helsetjenester 1, 190-209, 2017
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Articles 1–20