Tessa Aarts
Cited by
Cited by
Design card sets: Systematic literature survey and card sorting study
T Aarts, LK Gabrielaitis, LC De Jong, R Noortman, EM Van Zoelen, ...
Proceedings of the 2020 ACM designing interactive systems conference, 419-428, 2020
Snoozy: a chatbot-based sleep diary for children aged eight to twelve
T Aarts, P Markopoulos, L Giling, T Vacaretu, S Pillen
Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2022
Card Sorting Card Sets: A Study into the Attributed Properties of Design Card Sets
T Aarts, LC de Jong, RR Noortman, EM van Zoelen
Stimulating the Awareness of Air Quality in the Home Office Environment through Data-enabled Design
T Aarts, E Bolder, M Marks, L Maron
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Articles 1–4