Ingrid Brdar
Ingrid Brdar
University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, Department of Psychology
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The eudaimonic and hedonic components of happiness: Qualitative and quantitative findings
A Delle Fave, I Brdar, T Freire, D Vella-Brodrick, MP Wissing
Social indicators research 100, 185-207, 2011
Character strengths and well-being in Croatia: An empirical investigation of structure and correlates
I Brdar, TB Kashdan
Journal of research in personality 44 (1), 151-154, 2010
Lay definitions of happiness across nations: The primacy of inner harmony and relational connectedness
A Delle Fave, I Brdar, MP Wissing, U Araujo, A Castro Solano, T Freire, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 30, 2016
Life goals and well-being: Are extrinsic aspirations always detrimental to well-being?
I Brdar, M Rijavec, D Miljković
Psihologijske teme 18 (2), 317-334, 2009
Goal orientations, coping with school failure and school achievement
I Brdar, M Rijavec, D Loncaric
European journal of psychology of education 21, 53-70, 2006
Pozitivna psihologija: znanstveno istraživanje ljudskih snaga i sreće
M Rijavec, D Miljković, I Brdar
Zagreb: IEP–D2, 2008
Sources and motives for personal meaning in adulthood
A Delle Fave, I Brdar, MP Wissing, DA Vella-Brodrick
The Journal of Positive Psychology 8 (6), 517-529, 2013
Breaking ground in cross-cultural research on the fear of being laughed at (gelotophobia): A multi-national study involving 73 countries
RT Proyer, W Ruch, NS Ali, HS Al-Olimat, T Amemiya, TA Adal, SA Ansari, ...
Humor: International Journal of Humor Research 22 (1-2), 253-279, 2009
Coping with school failure and self-regulated learning
M Rijavec, I Brdar
European journal of psychology of education 17, 177-194, 2002
Character strengths and well-being: Are there gender differences?
I Brdar, P Anić, M Rijavec
The Human Pursuit of Well-Being, 145-156, 2011
Extrinsic vs. intrinsic life goals, psychological needs and life satisfaction
M Rijavec, I Brdar, D Miljković
Dimensions of well-being: Research and intervention, 91, 2006
Coping with school failure: Development of the school failure coping scale
M Rijavec, I Brdar
European Journal of Psychology of Education 12, 37-49, 1997
Aspirations and Well-Being: Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Life Goals
M Rijavec, I Brdar, D Miljković
Društvena istraživanja 20 (3 (113)), 693-710, 2011
Religion, spirituality, and well-being across nations: The eudaemonic and hedonic happiness investigation
A Delle Fave, I Brdar, D Vella-Brodrick, MP Wissing
Well-Being and Cultures, 117-134, 2013
Life goals and well-being: Are aspirations important for happiness?
I Brdar
Društvena istraživanja/ Journal for General Social Issues 15 (4-5 (84-85 …, 2006
Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Meaning and Goals in Adulthood: Their Roots and Relations With Happiness
A Delle Fave, M Wissing, I Brdar, D Vella-Brodrick, T Freire
The best within us: Perspectives on eudaimonia and eudaimonic well-being …, 2013
Suočavanje s neuspjehom u školi: koliko su važni emocionalna kompetentnost, osobine ličnosti i ciljna orijentacija u učenju?
I Brdar, S Bakarčić
Psihologijske teme 15 (1), 129-150, 2006
Životni ciljevi, orijentacije prema sreći i psihološke potrebe adolescenata: Koji je najbolji put do sreće?
I Brdar, P Anić
Psihologijske teme 19 (1), 169-187, 2010
The cross-national measurement invariance of the Satisfaction with Life Scale in a sample of undergraduate students
V Jovanović, I Brdar
Personality and Individual Differences 128, 7-9, 2018
Suočavanja sa stresom zbog loše ocjene: konstrukcija upitnika
I Brdar, M Rijavec
Društvena istraživanja 6 (4-5), 599-617, 1997
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Articles 1–20