Felipe Avila
Felipe Avila
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BAO angular scale at zeff= 0.11 with the SDSS blue galaxies
E De Carvalho, A Bernui, F Avila, CP Novaes, JP Nogueira-Cavalcante
Astronomy & Astrophysics 649, A20, 2021
The growth rate of cosmic structures in the local Universe with the ALFALFA survey
F Avila, A Bernui, E de Carvalho, CP Novaes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 505 (3), 3404-3413, 2021
The scale of homogeneity in the local Universe with the ALFALFA catalogue
F Avila, CP Novaes, A Bernui, E de Carvalho
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (12), 041, 2018
The angular scale of homogeneity in the Local Universe with the SDSS blue galaxies
F Avila, CP Novaes, A Bernui, E de Carvalho, JP Nogueira-Cavalcante
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 (1), 1481-1487, 2019
Inferring and with cosmic growth rate measurements using machine learning
F Avila, A Bernui, A Bonilla, RC Nunes
The European Physical Journal C 82 (7), 594, 2022
The homogeneity scale and the growth rate of cosmic structures
F Avila, A Bernui, RC Nunes, E de Carvalho, CP Novaes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 509 (2), 2994-3003, 2022
Probing cosmic homogeneity in the Local Universe
BL Dias, F Avila, A Bernui
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 526 (3), 3219-3229, 2023
The bulk flow motion and the Hubble-Lemaître law in the Local Universe with the ALFALFA survey
F Avila, J Oliveira, M LS Dias, A Bernui
Brazilian Journal of Physics 53 (2), 49, 2023
Bulk Flow Motion Detection in the Local Universe with Pantheon+ Type Ia Supernovae
M Lopes, A Bernui, C Franco, F Avila
The Astrophysical Journal 967 (1), 47, 2024
Probing cosmic isotropy in the Local Universe
C Franco, F Avila, A Bernui
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 527 (3), 7400-7413, 2024
Reconstructing the growth index with Gaussian processes
F Oliveira, F Avila, A Bernui, A Bonilla, RC Nunes
The European Physical Journal C 84 (6), 636, 2024
Baryon acoustic scale at zeff = 0.166 with the SDSS blue galaxies
F Avila, E de Carvalho, A Bernui, H Lima, RC Nunes
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 529 (4), 4980-4992, 2024
Dipolar Fluence distribution of statistically isotropic FERMI Gamma-Ray Bursts
M Lopes, A Bernui, WS Hipólito-Ricaldi, C Franco, F Avila
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.01480, 2024
Measuring the matter fluctuations in the Local Universe with the ALFALFA catalogue
C Franco, J Oliveira, M Lopes, F Avila, A Bernui
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 537 (2), 897-908, 2025
O mistério do Local Cosmic Void
C Franco, F Avila, A Bernui
Cadernos de Astronomia 5 (Especial), 38-47, 2024
Correcting the gravitational dipole direction for a partial sky survey
F Avila, A Bernui, E de Carvalho, CP Novaes
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2678 (1), 012001, 2023
The sound horizon scale at the baryon drag epoch
E de Carvalho, A Bernui, F Avila
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2678 (1), 012003, 2023
Inferring 𝑆8 (𝑧) and 𝛾 (𝑧) with cosmic growth rate measurements using machine learning
F Avila, A Bernui, A Bonilla, RC Nunes
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Articles 1–18