Rich pickings? Risk, return, and skill in household wealth L Bach, LE Calvet, P Sodini American Economic Review 110 (9), 2703-2747, 2020 | 486* | 2020 |
Are small businesses worthy of financial aid? Evidence from a French targeted credit program L Bach Review of Finance 18 (3), 877-919, 2014 | 103 | 2014 |
CEO identity and labor contracts: Evidence from CEO transitions L Bach, N Serrano-Velarde Journal of Corporate Finance 33, 227-242, 2015 | 90* | 2015 |
How close are close shareholder votes? L Bach, D Metzger The Review of Financial Studies 32 (8), 3183-3214, 2019 | 84* | 2019 |
Faut-il abolir le cumul des mandats? L Bach Éditions Rue d'Ulm, 2012 | 53* | 2012 |
From saving comes having? disentangling the impact of saving on wealth inequality L Bach, LE Calvet, P Sodini Disentangling the Impact of Saving on Wealth Inequality (December 16, 2017 …, 2017 | 48* | 2017 |
How do shareholder proposals create value? L Bach, D Metzger Available at SSRN 2247084, 2017 | 47* | 2017 |
Does holding elections during a Covid-19 pandemic put the lives of politicians at risk? L Bach, A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres Journal of health economics 78, 102462, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Politicians with many principals: Theory and evidence from France L Bach Manuscript available at https://sites. google. com/site/laurentbach, 2011 | 36* | 2011 |
Follow the money! Why dividends overreact to flat-tax reforms L Bach, A Bozio, A Guillouzouic, C Leroy, C Malgouyres | 35* | 2024 |
Why are family firms so small? L Bach Paris December 2010 Finance Meeting EUROFIDAI-AFFI, 2010 | 32 | 2010 |
How do acquisitions affect the mental health of employees? L Bach, R Baghai, M Bos, R Silva Swedish House of Finance Research Paper, 2021 | 20* | 2021 |
Évaluer les effets de l'impôt sur la fortune et de sa suppression sur le tissu productif L Bach, A Bozio, A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Évaluation d'impact de la fiscalité des dividendes L Bach, A Bozio, B Fabre, A Guillouzouic, C Leroy, C Malgouyres Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), 2019 | 14* | 2019 |
Les impacts du crédit impôt recherche sur la performance économique des entreprises L Bach, A Bozio, A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres, N Serrano-Velarde Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Do better entrepreneurs avoid more taxes? L Bach Oxford University Centre for Business Taxation Working Papers, 2015 | 10* | 2015 |
The causal (non-) effect of dynastic control on firm performance L Bach Swedish House of Finance Research Paper, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Dividend taxes and the allocation of capital: Comment L Bach, A Bozio, A Guillouzouic, C Malgouyres American Economic Review 113 (7), 2048-2052, 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Dans quelle mesure les entreprises françaises font-elles face à des contraintes de crédit? Estimation à partir des dispositifs d’aide au financement des PME (1991-2000) L Bach DEA Analyse et politique économiques, École des Hautes Études en sciences …, 2005 | 8 | 2005 |
L’hétérogénéité des taux d’imposition implicites des profits en France: constats et facteurs explicatifs L Bach, A Bozio, C Malgouyres Institut des politiques publiques (IPP), 2019 | 7 | 2019 |