Léa Lévy
Léa Lévy
CNRS - Géosciences Rennes
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The role of smectites in the electrical conductivity of active hydrothermal systems: electrical properties of core samples from Krafla volcano, Iceland
L Lévy, B Gibert, F Sigmundsson, ÓG Flóvenz, GP Hersir, P Briole, ...
Geophysical Journal International 215 (3), 1558-1582, 2018
Electrical resistivity tomography and time-domain induced polarization field investigations of geothermal areas at Krafla, Iceland: comparison to borehole and laboratory …
L Lévy, PK Maurya, S Byrdina, J Vandemeulebrouck, F Sigmundsson, ...
Geophysical Journal International 218 (3), 1469-1489, 2019
Modeling uranium and 226Ra mobility during and after an acidic in situ recovery test (Dulaan Uul, Mongolia)
H De Boissezon, L Levy, C Jakymiw, M Distinguin, F Guerin, M Descostes
Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 235, 103711, 2020
Quantifying reagent spreading by cross‐borehole electrical tomography to assess performance of groundwater remediation
L Lévy, R Thalund‐Hansen, T Bording, G Fiandaca, AV Christiansen, ...
Water Resources Research 58 (9), e2022WR032218, 2022
Automatic processing of time domain induced polarization data using supervised artificial neural networks
AS Barfod, L Lévy, JJ Larsen
Geophysical Journal International 224 (1), 312-325, 2021
Influence of smectite and salinity on the imaginary and surface conductivity of volcanic rocks
L Lévy, A Weller, B Gibert
Near Surface Geophysics 17 (6-Recent Developments in Induced Polarization …, 2019
Tracking magmatic hydrogen sulfur circulations using electrical impedance: Complex electrical properties of core samples at the Krafla volcano, Iceland
L Lévy, B Gibert, F Sigmundsson, D Deldicque, F Parat, GP Hersir
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (3), 2492-2509, 2019
Influence of hydrothermal alteration on the elastic behaviour and failure of heat-treated andesite from Guadeloupe
A Nicolas, L Lévy, O Sissmann, Z Li, J Fortin, B Gibert, F Sigmundsson
Geophysical Journal International 223 (3), 2038-2053, 2020
Smectite quantification in hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks
L Lévy, T Fridriksson, N Findling, B Lanson, B Fraisse, N Marino, B Gibert
Geothermics 85, 101748, 2020
Valgarður: a database of the petrophysical, mineralogical, and chemical properties of Icelandic rocks
SW Scott, L Lévy, C Covell, H Franzson, B Gibert, Á Valfells, J Newson, ...
Earth System Science Data 15 (3), 1165-1195, 2023
Contribution of the paragenetic sequence of clay minerals to re-examination of the alteration zoning in the Krafla geothermal system
D Escobedo, P Patrier, D Beaufort, B Gibert, L Levy, N Findling, ...
Minerals 11 (9), 935, 2021
Assessing Contaminant Mass Discharge Uncertainty With Application of Hydraulic Conductivities Derived From Geoelectrical Cross‐Borehole Induced Polarization and Other Methods
R Thalund‐Hansen, M Troldborg, L Levy, AV Christiansen, TS Bording, ...
Water Resources Research 59 (8), e2022WR034360, 2023
Three-dimensional time-lapse inversion of transient electromagnetic data, with application at an Icelandic geothermal site
L Xiao, G Fiandaca, PK Maurya, AV Christiansen, L Lévy
Geophysical Journal International 231 (1), 584-596, 2022
Removal of powerline noise in geophysical datasets with a scientific machine-learning based approach
JJ Larsen, L Lévy, MR Asif
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-10, 2022
Valgarður: A Database of the Petrophysical, Mineralogical, and Chemical Properties of Icelandic Rocks (1.1), Zenodo [data set]
SW Scott, L Lévy, C Covell, H Franzson, B Gibert, Á Valfells, J Newson, ...
Cross-borehole ERT: sensitivity, model resolution, and field data quality
LM Madsen, AK Kühl, L Lévy, AV Christiansen
NSG2021 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics …, 2021
Relationships between Lithology, Permeability, Clay Mineralogy, and Electrical Conductivity in Icelandic Altered Volcanic Rocks
L Lévy, B Gibert, D Escobedo, P Patrier, B Lanson, D Beaufort, D Loggia, ...
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2020 (11093), 2020
Electrical properties of hydrothermally altered rocks: observations and interpretations based on laboratory, field and borehole studies at Krafla volcano, Iceland
L Lévy
Paris Sciences et Lettres, Laboratoire de Géologie de l'Ecole Normale …, 2019
Cross-borehole electrical monitoring in groundwater remediation projects: understanding the flow path of remediation agents
L Lévy, T Bording, AV Christiansen, R Thalund-Hansen, PL Bjerg
NSG2021 1st Conference on Hydrogeophysics 2021 (1), 1-5, 2021
Petrophysical properties of IDDP-2 core samples from depths of 3650 to 4650m
B Gibert, D Loggia, F Parat, D Escobedo, L Lévy, GO Friðleifsson, ...
Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 1, 2020
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Articles 1–20