Peng Jiang
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Cited by
Prediction of the two-dimensional Janus ferrovalley material LaBrI
P Jiang, L Kang, YL Li, X Zheng, Z Zeng, S Sanvito
Physical Review B 104 (3), 035430, 2021
Giant tunneling electroresistance in two-dimensional ferroelectric tunnel junctions with out-of-plane ferroelectric polarization
L Kang, P Jiang, H Hao, Y Zhou, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Physical Review B 101 (1), 014105, 2020
Pure spin current generation via photogalvanic effect with spatial inversion symmetry
X Tao, P Jiang, H Hao, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Physical Review B 102 (8), 081402, 2020
Realizing giant tunneling electroresistance in two-dimensional graphene/BiP ferroelectric tunnel junction
L Kang, P Jiang, N Cao, H Hao, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Nanoscale 11 (36), 16837-16843, 2019
Tuning a zigzag SiC nanoribbon as a thermal spin current generator
P Jiang, X Tao, H Hao, L Song, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
2D Materials 4 (3), 035001, 2017
Ferroelectric control of electron half-metallicity in -type antiferromagnets and its application to nonvolatile memory devices
P Jiang, L Kang, H Hao, X Zheng, Z Zeng, S Sanvito
Physical Review B 102 (24), 245417, 2020
Computational prediction of a two-dimensional semiconductor with negative Poisson's ratio and tunable magnetism by doping
P Jiang, L Kang, X Zheng, Z Zeng, S Sanvito
Physical Review B 102 (19), 195408, 2020
Giant tunnel electroresistance in ferroelectric tunnel junctions with metal contacts to two-dimensional ferroelectric materials
L Kang, P Jiang, H Hao, Y Zhou, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Physical Review B 103 (12), 125414, 2021
Electric field induced tunable half-metallicity in an -type antiferromagnetic bilayer
Q Chen, X Zheng, P Jiang, YH Zhou, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Physical Review B 106 (24), 245423, 2022
up to 23.6 K and robust superconductivity in the transition metal phase at megabar pressure
X Liu, P Jiang, Y Wang, M Li, N Li, Q Zhang, Y Wang, YL Li, W Yang
Physical Review B 105 (22), 224511, 2022
Two-dimensional centrosymmetrical antiferromagnets for spin photogalvanic devices
P Jiang, X Tao, H Hao, Y Liu, X Zheng, Z Zeng
npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 21, 2021
Robust generation of half-metallic transport and pure spin current with photogalvanic effect in zigzag silicene nanoribbons
P Jiang, L Kang, X Tao, N Cao, H Hao, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 31 (49), 495701, 2019
Carbon phosphide nanoribbons with spatial inversion symmetry: robust generators of pure spin current with a photogalvanic effect
X Tao, P Jiang, Y Dong, X Yang, X Zheng, Y Liu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (28), 17131-17139, 2022
Spin current generation by thermal gradient in graphene/h-BN/graphene lateral heterojunctions
P Jiang, X Tao, L Kang, H Hao, L Song, J Lan, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52 (1), 015303, 2018
Realizing robust half-metallic transport with chemically modified graphene nanoribbons
L Song, S Jin, P Jiang, H Hao, X Zheng, L Zhang
Carbon 141, 676-684, 2019
Tuning magnetism by electric field in MnPS3/Sc2CO2 van der Waals heterostructure
L Kang, X Zheng, P Jiang, Z Feng, G Zhao
Applied Physics Letters 122 (8), 2023
Tuning of electronic and optical properties of a predicted silicon allotrope: Hexagonal silicon -Si
D Zhang, H Niu, Y Li, HM Huang, P Jiang, YL Li
Physical Review B 104 (12), 125201, 2021
Mn2P2S3Se3: two-dimensional Janus room-temperature antiferromagnetic semiconductor with a large out-of-plane piezoelectricity
P Jiang, X Zheng, L Kang, X Tao, HM Huang, YL Li
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 11 (7), 2703-2711, 2023
Domain-wall induced giant tunneling electroresistance effect in two-dimensional Graphene/In2Se3 ferroelectric tunnel junctions
L Kang, P Jiang, X Zhang, H Hao, X Zheng, L Zhang, Z Zeng
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 133, 114783, 2021
Novel topological motifs and superconductivity in Li-Cs System
HM Huang, Q Zhu, VA Blatov, AR Oganov, X Wei, P Jiang, YL Li
Nano Letters 23 (11), 5012-5018, 2023
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