François Clautiaux
François Clautiaux
Professeur des Universités, Université de Bordeaux
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Solving the vehicle routing problem with time windows and multiple routes exactly using a pseudo-polynomial model
R Macedo, C Alves, JMV de Carvalho, F Clautiaux, S Hanafi
European Journal of Operational Research 214 (3), 536-545, 2011
A new exact method for the two-dimensional orthogonal packing problem
F Clautiaux, J Carlier, A Moukrim
European Journal of Operational Research 183 (3), 1196-1211, 2007
A new constraint programming approach for the orthogonal packing problem
F Clautiaux, A Jouglet, J Carlier, A Moukrim
Computers & Operations Research 35 (3), 944-959, 2008
New reduction procedures and lower bounds for the two-dimensional bin packing problem with fixed orientation
J Carlier, F Clautiaux, A Moukrim
Computers & Operations Research 34 (8), 2223-2250, 2007
A survey of dual-feasible functions for bin-packing problems
F Clautiaux, C Alves, JV de Carvalho
Annals of Operations Research 179 (1), 317-342, 2010
New lower bounds for bin packing problems with conflicts
A Khanafer, F Clautiaux, EG Talbi
European journal of operational research 206 (2), 281-288, 2010
Heuristic and metaheuristic methods for computing graph treewidth
F Clautiaux, A Moukrim, S Nègre, J Carlier
RAIRO-Operations Research 38 (1), 13-26, 2004
New lower and upper bounds for graph treewidth
F Clautiaux, J Carlier, A Moukrim, S Nègre
Experimental and Efficient Algorithms: Second International Workshop, WEA …, 2003
Tree-decomposition based heuristics for the two-dimensional bin packing problem with conflicts
A Khanafer, F Clautiaux, EG Talbi
Computers & Operations Research 39 (1), 54-63, 2012
Arc flow formulations based on dynamic programming: Theoretical foundations and applications
VL de Lima, C Alves, F Clautiaux, M Iori, JMV de Carvalho
European Journal of Operational Research 296 (1), 3-21, 2022
Iterative aggregation and disaggregation algorithm for pseudo-polynomial network flow models with side constraints
F Clautiaux, S Hanafi, R Macedo, ME Voge, C Alves
European Journal of Operational Research 258 (2), 467-477, 2017
Column generation based approaches for a tour scheduling problem with a multi-skill heterogeneous workforce
M Gérard, F Clautiaux, R Sadykov
European Journal of Operational Research 252 (3), 1019-1030, 2016
A new lower bound for the non-oriented two-dimensional bin-packing problem
F Clautiaux, A Jouglet, J El Hayek
Operations Research Letters 35 (3), 365-373, 2007
Multidimensional dual-feasible functions and fast lower bounds for the vector packing problem
C Alves, JV de Carvalho, F Clautiaux, J Rietz
European Journal of Operational Research 233 (1), 43-63, 2014
A new exact method for the two-dimensional bin-packing problem with fixed orientation
F Clautiaux, J Carlier, A Moukrim
Operations Research Letters 35 (3), 357-364, 2007
New stabilization procedures for the cutting stock problem
F Clautiaux, C Alves, J Valério de Carvalho, J Rietz
INFORMS Journal on Computing 23 (4), 530-545, 2011
Combining dynamic programming with filtering to solve a four-stage two-dimensional guillotine-cut bounded knapsack problem
F Clautiaux, R Sadykov, F Vanderbeck, Q Viaud
Discrete Optimization 29, 18-44, 2018
Pattern-based diving heuristics for a two-dimensional guillotine cutting-stock problem with leftovers
F Clautiaux, R Sadykov, F Vanderbeck, Q Viaud
EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 7 (3), 265-297, 2019
Lower and Upper Bounds for the Bin Packing Problem with Fragile Objects
F Clautiaux, M Dell Amico, M Iori, A Khanafer
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2012
Dual-Feasible Functions for Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
C Alves, F Clautiaux, JMV de Carvalho, J Rietz
Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016
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Articles 1–20