Xiaolan Xu
Xiaolan Xu
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Retrieving landscape freeze/thaw state from Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) radar and radiometer measurements
C Derksen, X Xu, RS Dunbar, A Colliander, Y Kim, JS Kimball, TA Black, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 194, 48-62, 2017
Models of L-band radar backscattering coefficients over global terrain for soil moisture retrieval
SB Kim, M Moghaddam, L Tsang, M Burgin, X Xu, EG Njoku
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (2), 1381-1396, 2013
Electromagnetic scattering by bicontinuous random microstructures with discrete permittivities
KH Ding, X Xu, L Tsang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 48 (8), 3139-3151, 2010
Electromagnetic computation in scattering of electromagnetic waves by random rough surface and dense media in microwave remote sensing of land surfaces
L Tsang, KH Ding, S Huang, X Xu
Proceedings of the IEEE 101 (2), 255-279, 2012
Global monitoring of snow water equivalent using high frequency radar remote sensing
L Tsang, M Durand, C Derksen, AP Barros, DH Kang, H Lievens, ...
The Cryosphere Discussions 2021, 1-57, 2021
A semiempirical modeling of soil moisture, vegetation, and surface roughness impact on CYGNSS reflectometry data
SH Yueh, R Shah, MJ Chaubell, A Hayashi, X Xu, A Colliander
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-17, 2020
Dense media radiative transfer applied to SnowScat and SnowSAR
W Chang, S Tan, J Lemmetyinen, L Tsang, X Xu, SH Yueh
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
Electromagnetic models of co/cross polarization of bicontinuous/DMRT in radar remote sensing of terrestrial snow at X-and Ku-band for CoReH2O and SCLP applications
X Xu, L Tsang, S Yueh
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2012
Remote sensing of snow water equivalent using P-band coherent reflection
R Shah, X Xu, S Yueh, CS Chae, K Elder, B Starr, Y Kim
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14 (3), 309-313, 2017
Capturing agricultural soil freeze/thaw state through remote sensing and ground observations: A soil freeze/thaw validation campaign
TL Rowlandson, AA Berg, A Roy, E Kim, RP Lara, J Powers, K Lewis, ...
Remote sensing of environment 211, 59-70, 2018
Global assessment of the SMAP freeze/thaw data record and regional applications for detecting spring onset and frost events
Y Kim, JS Kimball, X Xu, RS Dunbar, A Colliander, C Derksen
Remote Sensing 11 (11), 1317, 2019
Coherent model of L-band radar scattering by soybean plants: Model development, evaluation, and retrieval
H Huang, SB Kim, L Tsang, X Xu, TH Liao, TJ Jackson, SH Yueh
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2015
Experimental demonstration of soil moisture remote sensing using P-band satellite signals of opportunity
S Yueh, R Shah, X Xu, K Elder, B Starr
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 17 (2), 207-211, 2019
Microwave scattering and medium characterization for terrestrial snow with QCA–Mie and bicontinuous models: Comparison studies
W Chang, KH Ding, L Tsang, X Xu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (6), 3637-3648, 2016
A Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Concept Using P-Band Signals of Opportunity
SH Yueh, R Shah, X Xu, B Stiles, X Bosch-Lluis
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
Freeze/thaw detection and validation using Aquarius’ L-band backscattering data
X Xu, C Derksen, SH Yueh, RS Dunbar, A Colliander
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2016
Active remote sensing of snow using NMM3D/DMRT and comparison with CLPX II airborne data
X Xu, D Liang, L Tsang, KM Andreadis, EG Josberger, DP Lettenmaier, ...
IEEE Journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2010
Remote Sensing of Snow Water Equivalent Using Coherent Reflection From Satellite Signals of Opportunity: Theoretical Modeling
SH Yueh, X Xu, R Shah, Y Kim, JL Garrison, A Komanduru, K Elder
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2017
Regularized dual-channel algorithm for the retrieval of soil moisture and vegetation optical depth from SMAP measurements
J Chaubell, S Yueh, RS Dunbar, A Colliander, D Entekhabi, SK Chan, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2021
SMAP L3 radiometer northern hemisphere daily 36 km EASE-grid freeze/thaw state, version 1
X Xu, RS Dunbar, C Derksen, A Colliander, Y Kim, JS Kimball
Global Projection, 2016
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Articles 1–20