Juan Anzieta
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Cited by
Finding possible precursors for the 2015 cotopaxi volcano eruption using unsupervised machine learning techniques
JC Anzieta, HD Ortiz, GL Arias, MC Ruiz
International Journal of Geophysics 2019 (1), 6526898, 2019
Autocorrelation infrasound interferometry
HD Ortiz, RS Matoza, JB Johnson, S Hernandez, JC Anzieta, MC Ruiz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (4), e2020JB020513, 2021
Seismicity patterns during a period of inflation at Sierra Negra volcano, Galápagos Ocean Island Chain
L Davidge, C Ebinger, M Ruiz, G Tepp, F Amelung, D Geist, D Coté, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 462, 169-179, 2017
A near real-time and free tool for the preliminary mapping of active lava flows during volcanic crises: The case of hotspot subaerial eruptions
FJ Vasconez, JC Anzieta, A Vásconez Müller, B Bernard, P Ramón
Remote Sensing 14 (14), 3483, 2022
Non-supervised classification of volcanic-seismic events for tungurahua-volcano ecuador
JA Reyes, CJJ Mosquera
2017 IEEE second Ecuador technical chapters meeting (etcm), 1-6, 2017
Standing waves in high speed lava channels: A tool for constraining lava dynamics and eruptive parameters
Y Le Moigne, JM Zurek, G Williams-Jones, E Lev, A Calahorrano-Di Patre, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 401, 106944, 2020
Similarities in Eruption Dynamics: A Seismo-Acoustic Analysis of Explosion Sequences at Tungurahua Volcano in May-July 2010 & December 2012
AL Steele, MC Ruiz, J Anzieta, JB Johnson
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 84, 2014
Cubism: co-balanced mixup for unsupervised volcano-seismic knowledge transfer
M Keramati, MA Tayebi, Z Zohrevand, U Glässer, J Anzieta, ...
Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in …, 2022
Reviewing volcano hazard and risk communications in Ecuador: experiences from a fast-format workshop
J Anzieta, G Williams-Jones, B Bernard, H Ortiz, S Vallejo, M Ruiz
Volcanica 4 (2), 309-324, 2021
Overview of Reventador infrasound activity: from January 2015 to June 2019
HD Ortiz, JB Johnson, JC Anzieta, RS Matoza, J Anderson, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, V44B-06, 2019
Application of data analysis and machine learning techniques to improve baseline volcano and mountain hazards monitoring
JC Anzieta
Simon Fraser University, 2024
Cleaning volcano-seismic event catalogues: a machine learning application for robust systems and potential crises in volcano observatories
J Anzieta, D Pacheco, G Williams-Jones, MC Ruiz
Bulletin of Volcanology 85 (10), 59, 2023
Infrasound as a long standing tool for monitoring continental ecuadorean volcanoes
MC Ruiz, HD Ortiz, S Hernandez, P Palacios, JC Anzieta
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, S51B-0596, 2017
Semidiurnal effects on infrasound wave propagation at local distances
HD Ortiz, D Mikesell, P Palacios, J Anderson, JC Anzieta
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, S44A-06, 2017
Unrest of Chiles-Cerro Negro volcanic complex: A binational Ecuador-Colombia effort
MC Ruiz, D Gomez, R Torres, O Cadena, PA Mothes, JC Anzieta, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, V41C-4823, 2014
Volcano monitoring in Ecuador: Three decades of continuous progress of the Instituto Geofisico-Escuela Politecnica Nacional
MC Ruiz, HA Yepes, ML Hall, PA Mothes, P Ramon, S Hidalgo, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, V41C-4824, 2014
LavaFlow Mapper and FRP statistical analysis
FJ Vasconez, JC Anzieta
Intorno a l''Epistola a Cangrande'al vaglio della'Computational Authorship Verification': impostazioni e problematiche [risorsa elettronica]
P Di Patre, CD Patre, JA Reyes
Rivista di studi danteschi: XXII, 2, 2022, 405-420, 2022
Research Article Finding Possible Precursors for the 2015 Cotopaxi Volcano Eruption Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Techniques
JC Anzieta, HD Ortiz, GL Arias, MC Ruiz
Volcanic Lightning, Pyroclastic Density Currents, Ballistic Fall, Vent Tremor, and One Very Loud Blast: Acoustic Analysis of the 14 July 2013 Vulcanian Eruption at Tungurahua …
J Anderson, JB Johnson, AL Steele, JC Anzieta, HD Ortiz, ML Hall, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2014, V23C-4810, 2014
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Articles 1–20