Sean Tulin
Sean Tulin
Physics and Astronomy Department, York University
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Cited by
Dark matter self-interactions and small scale structure
S Tulin, HB Yu
Physics Reports 730, 1-57, 2018
A facility to Search for Hidden Particles at the CERN SPS: the SHiP physics case
S Alekhin, W Altmannshofer, T Asaka, B Batell, F Bezrukov, K Bondarenko, ...
Reports on progress in physics 79 (12), 124201, 2016
Beyond collisionless dark matter: particle physics dynamics for dark matter halo structure
S Tulin, HB Yu, KM Zurek
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 87 (11), 115007, 2013
Dark matter halos as particle colliders: unified solution to small-scale structure puzzles from dwarfs to clusters
M Kaplinghat, S Tulin, HB Yu
Physical Review Letters 116 (4), 041302, 2016
Dark sectors 2016 workshop: community report
J Alexander, M Battaglieri, B Echenard, R Essig, M Graham, E Izaguirre, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.08632, 2016
Unified origin for baryonic visible matter and antibaryonic dark matter
H Davoudiasl, DE Morrissey, K Sigurdson, S Tulin
Physical Review Letters 105 (21), 211304, 2010
Mono-Higgs-boson: A new collider probe of dark matter
L Carpenter, A DiFranzo, M Mulhearn, C Shimmin, S Tulin, D Whiteson
Physical Review D 89 (7), 075017, 2014
Resonant dark forces and small-scale structure
S Tulin, HB Yu, KM Zurek
Physical Review Letters 110 (11), 111301, 2013
Direct detection portals for self-interacting dark matter
M Kaplinghat, S Tulin, HB Yu
Physical Review D 89 (3), 035009, 2014
Baryon destruction by asymmetric dark matter
H Davoudiasl, DE Morrissey, K Sigurdson, S Tulin
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (9), 096008, 2011
New weakly coupled forces hidden in low-energy QCD
S Tulin
Physical Review D 89 (11), 114008, 2014
Dark matter self-interactions and small scale structure, Phys
S Tulin, HB Yu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.02358 730, 1, 2018
Flavored quantum Boltzmann equations
V Cirigliano, C Lee, MJ Ramsey-Musolf, S Tulin
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 81 (10), 103503, 2010
Velocity-dependent self-interacting dark matter from groups and clusters of galaxies
L Sagunski, S Gad-Nasr, B Colquhoun, A Robertson, S Tulin
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2021 (01), 024, 2021
Precision tests of fundamental physics with η and η′ mesons
L Gan, B Kubis, E Passemar, S Tulin
Physics Reports 945, 1-105, 2022
Oscillating asymmetric dark matter
S Tulin, HB Yu, KM Zurek
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2012 (05), 013, 2012
The diverse density profiles of galaxy clusters with self-interacting dark matter plus baryons
A Robertson, R Massey, V Eke, S Tulin, HB Yu, Y Bahé, DJ Barnes, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters 476 (1), L20-L24, 2018
Yukawa and triscalar processes in electroweak baryogenesis
V Cirigliano, MJ Ramsey-Musolf, S Tulin, C Lee
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (11), 115009, 2006
Supergauge interactions and electroweak baryogenesis
DJH Chung, B Garbrecht, MJ Ramsey-Musolf, S Tulin
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (12), 067, 2009
Yukawa interactions and supersymmetric electroweak baryogenesis
DJH Chung, B Garbrecht, MJ Ramsey-Musolf, S Tulin
Physical review letters 102 (6), 061301, 2009
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Articles 1–20