Juan Luis Castro
Juan Luis Castro
Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. University of Granada
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Fuzzy logic controllers are universal approximators
JL Castro
IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics 25 (4), 629-635, 1995
Are artificial neural networks black boxes?
JM Benítez, JL Castro, I Requena
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 8 (5), 1156-1164, 1997
Fuzzy systems with defuzzification are universal approximators
JL Castro, M Delgado
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 26 …, 1996
Mechanisms of Interferon-alpha induced apoptosis in malignant cells
L Thyrell, S Erickson, B Zhivotovsky, K Pokrovskaja, O Sangfelt, J Castro, ...
Oncogene 21 (8), 1251-1262, 2002
Induction of lysosomal membrane permeabilization by compounds that activate p53-independent apoptosis
H Erdal, M Berndtsson, J Castro, U Brunk, MC Shoshan, S Linder
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (1), 192-197, 2005
Similarity in fuzzy reasoning
F Klawonn, JL Castro Peña
Mathware & soft computing. 1995 Vol. 2 Núm. 3, 1995
Strategy for the management of uncomplicated retinal detachments: the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report 1
RA Adelman, AJ Parnes, D Ducournau, ...
Ophthalmology 120 (9), 1804-1808, 2013
Molecular mechanisms underlying interferon-α-induced G0/G1 arrest: CKI-mediated regulation of G1 Cdk-complexes and activation of pocket proteins
O Sangfelt, S Erickson, J Castro, T Heiden, A Gustafsson, S Einhorn, ...
Oncogene 18 (18), 2798-2810, 1999
DLEU2, frequently deleted in malignancy, functions as a critical host gene of the cell cycle inhibitory microRNAs miR-15a and miR-16-1
M Lerner, M Harada, J Lovén, J Castro, Z Davis, D Oscier, M Henriksson, ...
Experimental cell research 315 (17), 2941-2952, 2009
Lexicon-based comments-oriented news sentiment analyzer system
A Moreo, M Romero, JL Castro, JM Zurita
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (10), 9166-9180, 2012
Imatinib therapy blocks cerebellar apoptosis and improves neurological symptoms in a mouse model of Niemann‐Pick type C disease
AR Alvarez, A Klein, J Castro, GI Cancino, J Amigo, M Mosqueira, ...
The FASEB Journal 22 (10), 3617-3627, 2008
Induction of Apoptosis and Inhibition of Cell Growth Are Independent Responses to Interferon- in Hematopoietic Cell Lines
O Sangfelt, S Erickson, J Castro, T Heiden, S Einhorn, D Grander
Cell Growth and Differentiation-Publication American Association for Cancer …, 1997
Interpretation of artificial neural networks by means of fuzzy rules
JL Castro, CJ Mantas, JM Benítez
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 13 (1), 101-116, 2002
Learning maximal structure rules in fuzzy logic for knowledge acquisition in expert systems
JL Castro, JJ Castro-Schez, JM Zurita
Fuzzy sets and systems 101 (3), 331-342, 1999
A feature set measure based on relief
A Arauzo-Azofra, JM Benitez, JL Castro
Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Recent Advances in Soft …, 2004
Ionizing radiation activates IGF-1R triggering a cytoprotective signaling by interfering with Ku-DNA binding and by modulating Ku86 expression via a p38 kinase-dependent mechanism
D Cosaceanu, RA Budiu, M Carapancea, J Castro, R Lewensohn, A Dricu
Oncogene 26 (17), 2423-2434, 2007
Strategy for the management of complex retinal detachments: the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report 2
RA Adelman, AJ Parnes, JO Sipperley, D Ducournau, ...
Ophthalmology 120 (9), 1809-1813, 2013
Consistency measures for feature selection
A Arauzo-Azofra, JM Benitez, JL Castro
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 30, 273-292, 2008
Involvement of the Ink4 proteins p16 and p15 in T-lymphocyte senescence
S Erickson, O Sangfelt, M Heyman, J Castro, S Einhorn, D Grandér
Oncogene 17 (5), 595-602, 1998
Suppression of oncogenic NRAS by RNA interference induces apoptosis of human melanoma cells
M Eskandarpour, S Kiaii, C Zhu, J Castro, AJ Sakko, J Hansson
International journal of cancer 115 (1), 65-73, 2005
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Articles 1–20