Andrés Varhola
Andrés Varhola
Assistant Professor of Teaching, University of British Columbia
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A best practices guide for generating forest inventory attributes from airborne laser scanning data using an area-based approach
JC White, MA Wulder, A Varhola, M Vastaranta, NC Coops, BD Cook, ...
The Forestry Chronicle 89 (6), 722-723, 2013
Forest canopy effects on snow accumulation and ablation: An integrative review of empirical results
A Varhola, NC Coops, M Weiler, RD Moore
Journal of Hydrology 392 (3-4), 219-233, 2010
The influence of ground-and lidar-derived forest structure metrics on snow accumulation and ablation in disturbed forests
A Varhola, NC Coops, CW Bater, P Teti, S Boon, M Weiler
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 40 (4), 812-821, 2010
Variability of snow water equivalent and snow energetics across a large catchment subject to Mountain Pine Beetle infestation and rapid salvage logging
D Bewley, Y Alila, A Varhola
Journal of Hydrology 388 (3-4), 464-479, 2010
Estimation of watershed-level distributed forest structure metrics relevant to hydrologic modeling using LiDAR and Landsat
A Varhola, NC Coops
Journal of Hydrology 487, 70-86, 2013
Assessing differences in tree and stand structure following beetle infestation using lidar data
NC Coops, A Varhola, CW Bater, P Teti, S Boon, N Goodwin, M Weiler
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 35 (6), 497-508, 2009
Forest inventory stand height estimates from very high spatial resolution satellite imagery calibrated with lidar plots
B Mora, MA Wulder, GW Hobart, JC White, CW Bater, FA Gougeon, ...
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (12), 4406-4424, 2013
A new low-cost, stand-alone sensor system for snow monitoring
A Varhola, J Wawerla, M Weiler, NC Coops, D Bewley, Y Alila
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 27 (12), 1973-1978, 2010
Estimation of forest structure metrics relevant to hydrologic modelling using coordinate transformation of airborne laser scanning data
A Varhola, GW Frazer, P Teti, NC Coops
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (10), 3749-3766, 2012
Exploration of remotely sensed forest structure and ultrasonic range sensor metrics to improve empirical snow models
A Varhola, NC Coops, Y Alila, M Weiler
Hydrological Processes 28 (15), 4433-4448, 2014
JC White, MA Wulder, A Varhola, M Vastaranta, NC Coops, BD Cook, ...
M. 2013a. The utility of image-based point clouds for forest inventory: a …, 2013
Assessing Soil Prediction Distributions for Forest Management Using Digital Soil Mapping
G Gavilán-Acuna, NC Coops, GF Olmedo, P Tompalski, D Roeser, ...
Soil Systems 8 (2), 55, 2024
Estimation of forest structure metrics relevant to hydrologic modeling using coordinate transformation of airborne laser scanning data.
A Varhola, GW Frazer, P Teti, NC Coops
Hydrology & Earth System Sciences Discussions 9 (4), 2012
Characterizing annual leaf area index changes and volume growth using ALS and satellite data in forest plantations
G Gavilán-Acuna, NC Coops, P Tompalski, P Mena-Quijada, A Varhola, ...
Science of Remote Sensing 10, 100159, 2024
“His lectures were like watching a show on Netflix”: A success story of laugh tracks in prerecorded undergraduate lessons
A Varhola
Natural Sciences Education 51 (2), e20092, 2022
The use of remotely-sensed canopy variables and ultrasonic snow depth sensors to improve the understanding of forest-snow interactions
A Varhola, N Coops, P Teti, M Weiler
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, C41B-0594, 2013
Optimizing the characterization of forest structure with remote sensing to improve physically-based hydrologic modeling
A Varhola, N Coops, P Teti, M Weiler
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H13J-1496, 2013
Guide des meilleures pratiques pour générer des attributs d’inventaire forestier provenant de données obtenues par balayage laser aéroporté en utilisant une approche par zones
JC White, MA Wulder, A Varhola, M Vastaranta, NC Coops, BD Cook, ...
The use of remote sensing to characterize forest structure and improve the modeling of snow processes in extensively disturbed watersheds
A Varhola
University of British Columbia, 2013
Sensing dynamics of snow-vegetation interaction
M Weiler, G Jost, W Floyd, A Varhola
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2008, C34A-02, 2008
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Articles 1–20