Benjamin Goddard
Benjamin Goddard
Reader in Applied Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
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General Dynamical Density Functional Theory for Classical Fluids
BD Goddard, A Nold, N Savva, GA Pavliotis, S Kalliadasis
Physical Review Letters 109 (12), 120603, 2012
Unification of dynamic density functional theory for colloidal fluids to include inertia and hydrodynamic interactions: derivation and numerical experiments
BD Goddard, A Nold, N Savva, P Yatsyshin, S Kalliadasis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (3), 035101, 2013
Nascent transcript folding plays a major role in determining RNA polymerase elongation rates
TW Turowski, E Petfalski, BD Goddard, SL French, A Helwak, D Tollervey
Molecular cell 79 (3), 488-503. e11, 2020
Nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of nanoconfined fluids at solid-liquid interfaces
M Morciano, M Fasano, A Nold, C Braga, P Yatsyshin, DN Sibley, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 146 (24), 244507, 2017
Fluid structure in the immediate vicinity of an equilibrium three-phase contact line and assessment of disjoining pressure models using density functional theory
A Nold, DN Sibley, BD Goddard, S Kalliadasis
Physics of Fluids 26 (7), 072001, 2014
The overdamped limit of dynamic density functional theory: Rigorous results
BD Goddard, GA Pavliotis, S Kalliadasis
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 10 (2), 633-663, 2012
Noisy bounded confidence models for opinion dynamics: the effect of boundary conditions on phase transitions
BD Goddard, B Gooding, H Short, GA Pavliotis
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 87 (1), 80-110, 2022
Pseudospectral methods for density functional theory in bounded and unbounded domains
A Nold, BD Goddard, P Yatsyshin, N Savva, S Kalliadasis
Journal of Computational Physics 334, 639-664, 2017
Dynamical density functional theory with hydrodynamic interactions in confined geometries
BD Goddard, A Nold, S Kalliadasis
The Journal of Chemical Physics 145 (21), 214106, 2016
Multi-species dynamical density functional theory
BD Goddard, A Nold, S Kalliadasis
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (14), 144904, 2013
General framework for fluctuating dynamic density functional theory
MA Durán-Olivencia, P Yatsyshin, BD Goddard, S Kalliadasis
New Journal of Physics 19 (12), 123022, 2017
Superadiabatic transitions in quantum molecular dynamics
V Betz, BD Goddard, S Teufel
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2009
Dynamical density functional theory for orientable colloids including inertia and hydrodynamic interactions
MA Durán-Olivencia, BD Goddard, S Kalliadasis
Journal of Statistical Physics 164 (4), 785-809, 2016
Explicit large nuclear charge limit of electronic ground states for Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne and basic aspects of the periodic table
G Friesecke, BD Goddard
SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 41 (2), 631-664, 2009
Nanoscale fluid structure of liquid-solid-vapour contact lines for a wide range of contact angles
A Nold, DN Sibley, BD Goddard, S Kalliadasis
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 10 (4), 111-125, 2015
Asymptotics-based CI models for atoms: properties, exact solution of a minimal model for Li to Ne, and application to atomic spectra
G Friesecke, BD Goddard
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 7 (4), 1876-1897, 2009
The singular hydrodynamic interactions between two spheres in Stokes flow
BD Goddard, RD Mills-Williams, J Sun
Physics of Fluids 32 (6), 2020
Pseudospectral methods and iterative solvers for optimization problems from multiscale particle dynamics
M Aduamoah, BD Goddard, JW Pearson, JC Roden
BIT Numerical Mathematics, 1-41, 2022
Automated Calculation of Higher Order Partial Differential Equation Constrained Derivative Information
JR Maddison, DN Goldberg, BD Goddard
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (5), C417-C445, 2019
Atomic structure via highly charged ions and their exact quantum states
G Friesecke, BD Goddard
Physical Review A 81 (3), 032516, 2010
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Articles 1–20