rose-marie dheilly
rose-marie dheilly
laboratoire EPROAD
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Valorization of post-consumer waste plastic in cementitious concrete composites
OY Marzouk, RM Dheilly, M Queneudec
Waste management 27 (2), 310-318, 2007
Influence of the proportion of wood on the thermal and mechanical performances of clay-cement-wood composites
K Al Rim, A Ledhem, O Douzane, RM Dheilly, M Queneudec
Cement and Concrete Composites 21 (4), 269-276, 1999
Effect of microstructure on the mechanical and thermal properties of lightweight concrete prepared from clay, cement, and wood aggregates
A Bouguerra, A Ledhem, F De Barquin, RM Dheilly, M Quéneudec
Cement and concrete research 28 (8), 1179-1190, 1998
Influence of storage conditions on the carbonation of powdered Ca (OH) 2
RM Dheilly, J Tudo, Y Sebaı̈bi, M Quéneudec
Construction and building materials 16 (3), 155-161, 2002
Reuse of local sand: effect of limestone filler proportion on the rheological and mechanical properties of different sand concretes
M Bédérina, MM Khenfer, RM Dheilly, M Quéneudec
Cement and concrete research 35 (6), 1172-1179, 2005
Effect of harvesting date on the composition and saccharification of Miscanthus x giganteus
TLN Huyen, C Rémond, RM Dheilly, B Chabbert
Bioresource Technology 101 (21), 8224-8231, 2010
Use of animal proteins as foaming agent in cementitious concrete composites manufactured with recycled PET aggregates
A Remadnia, RM Dheilly, B Laidoudi, M Quéneudec
Construction and Building Materials 23 (10), 3118-3123, 2009
Drying shrinkage studies of wood sand concrete–Effect of different wood treatments
M Bederina, M Gotteicha, B Belhadj, RM Dheily, MM Khenfer, ...
Construction and Building Materials 36, 1066-1075, 2012
Development of thermal insulating and sound absorbing agro-sourced materials from auto linked flax-tows
N El Hajj, B Mboumba-Mamboundou, RM Dheilly, Z Aboura, ...
Industrial Crops and Products 34 (1), 921-928, 2011
Properties of wood-based composites formulated with aggregate industry waste
A Ledhem, RM Dheilly, ML Benmalek, M Quéneudec
Construction and Building Materials 14 (6-7), 341-350, 2000
Contribution to the development of a sand concrete lightened by the addition of barley straws
B Belhadj, M Bederina, Z Makhloufi, RM Dheilly, N Montrelay, ...
Construction and Building Materials 113, 513-522, 2016
Effects of aggregate coating on the hygral properties of lignocellulosic composites
P Monreal, LB Mboumba-Mamboundou, RM Dheilly, M Quéneudec
Cement and Concrete Composites 33 (2), 301-308, 2011
Study of the water-retention capacity of a lime–sand mortar: influence of the physicochemical characteristics of the lime
Y Sébaı̈bi, RM Dheilly, M Queneudec
Cement and Concrete Research 33 (5), 689-696, 2003
Hydromagnesite development in magnesian lime mortars
RM Dheilly, A Bouguerra, B Beaudoin, J Tudo, M Queneudec
Materials Science and Engineering: A 268 (1-2), 127-131, 1999
Isothermal moisture properties of Clayey Cellular Concretes elaborated from clayey waste, cement and aluminium powder
MS Goual, A Bali, F De Barquin, RM Dheilly, M Quéneudec
Cement and concrete research 36 (9), 1768-1776, 2006
A study of the viscosity of lime–cement paste: influence of the physico-chemical characteristics of lime
Y Sébaıbi, RM Dheilly, M Quéneudec
Construction and Building Materials 18 (9), 653-660, 2004
Influence of sucrose addition on the performance of a lignocellulosic composite with a cementious matrix
M Khazma, N El Hajj, A Goullieux, RM Dheilly, M Queneudec
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39 (12), 1901-1908, 2008
Optimization of flax shive-cementitious composites: Impact of different aggregate treatments using linseed oil
M Khazma, A Goullieux, RM Dheilly, A Rougier, M Quéneudec
Industrial Crops and Products 61, 442-452, 2014
Coating of a lignocellulosic aggregate with pectin/polyethylenimin mixtures: Effects on flax shive and cement-shive composite properties
M Khazma, A Goullieux, RM Dheilly, M Quéneudec
Cement and Concrete Composites 34 (2), 223-230, 2012
Biocomposites based on flax short fibres and linseed oil
J Lazko, B Dupré, RM Dheilly, M Quéneudec
Industrial crops and products 33 (2), 317-324, 2011
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Articles 1–20