Jaehun Chun
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Cited by
Clustering of aerosol particles in isotropic turbulence
J Chun, DL Koch, SL Rani, A Ahluwalia, LR Collins
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 536, 219-251, 2005
Comparison of the quality of aqueous dispersions of single wall carbon nanotubes using surfactants and biomolecules
R Haggenmueller, SS Rahatekar, JA Fagan, J Chun, ML Becker, RR Naik, ...
Langmuir 24 (9), 5070-5078, 2008
Chalcogenide aerogels as sorbents for radioactive iodine
KS Subrahmanyam, D Sarma, CD Malliakas, K Polychronopoulou, ...
Chemistry of Materials 27 (7), 2619-2626, 2015
Length fractionation of carbon nanotubes using centrifugation
JA Fagan, ML Becker, J Chun, EK Hobbie
Advanced Materials 20 (9), 1609-1613, 2008
Biomolecular electrostatics and solvation: a computational perspective
P Ren, J Chun, DG Thomas, MJ Schnieders, M Marucho, J Zhang, ...
Quarterly reviews of biophysics 45 (4), 427-491, 2012
Length-dependent optical effects in single-wall carbon nanotubes
JA Fagan, JR Simpson, BJ Bauer, SH De Paoli Lacerda, ML Becker, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (34), 10607-10612, 2007
Review of the scientific understanding of radioactive waste at the US DOE Hanford Site
RA Peterson, EC Buck, J Chun, RC Daniel, DL Herting, ES Ilton, ...
Environmental science & technology 52 (2), 381-396, 2018
Chalcogen-based aerogels as sorbents for radionuclide remediation
BJ Riley, J Chun, W Um, WC Lepry, J Matyas, MJ Olszta, X Li, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (13), 7540-7547, 2013
Centrifugal length separation of carbon nanotubes
JA Fagan, ML Becker, J Chun, P Nie, BJ Bauer, JR Simpson, ...
Langmuir 24 (24), 13880-13889, 2008
Bidisperse and polydisperse suspension rheology at large solid fraction
S Pednekar, J Chun, JF Morris
Journal of Rheology 62 (2), 513-526, 2018
Chalcogen-based aerogels as a multifunctional platform for remediation of radioactive iodine
BJ Riley, J Chun, JV Ryan, J Matyáš, XS Li, DW Matson, SK Sundaram, ...
Rsc Advances 1 (9), 1704-1715, 2011
Polyacrylonitrile-chalcogel hybrid sorbents for radioiodine capture
BJ Riley, DA Pierce, J Chun, J Matyas, WC Lepry, TG Garn, JD Law, ...
Environmental science & technology 48 (10), 5832-5839, 2014
Size separation of single-wall carbon nanotubes by flow-field flow fractionation
J Chun, JA Fagan, EK Hobbie, BJ Bauer
Analytical chemistry 80 (7), 2514-2523, 2008
Connecting energetics to dynamics in particle growth by oriented attachment using real-time observations
L Liu, E Nakouzi, ML Sushko, GK Schenter, CJ Mundy, J Chun, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1045, 2020
From yielding to shear jamming in a cohesive frictional suspension
A Singh, S Pednekar, J Chun, MM Denn, JF Morris
Physical review letters 122 (9), 098004, 2019
Simulation of shear thickening in attractive colloidal suspensions
S Pednekar, J Chun, JF Morris
Soft matter 13 (9), 1773-1779, 2017
Living anionic polymerization using a microfluidic reactor
K Iida, TQ Chastek, KL Beers, KA Cavicchi, J Chun, MJ Fasolka
Lab on a Chip 9 (2), 339-345, 2009
Coagulation of monodisperse aerosol particles by isotropic turbulence
J Chun, DL Koch
Physics of Fluids 17 (2), 2005
Carbon nanotubes: measuring dispersion and length
JA Fagan, BJ Bauer, EK Hobbie, ML Becker, AR Hight Walker, ...
Advanced Materials 23 (3), 338-348, 2011
A direct simulation Monte Carlo method for rarefied gas flows in the limit of small Mach number
J Chun, DL Koch
Physics of Fluids 17 (10), 2005
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Articles 1–20