Satoshi Ii
Satoshi Ii
Professor, Institute of Science Tokyo
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Cited by
Revisit to the THINC scheme: a simple algebraic VOF algorithm
F Xiao, S Ii, C Chen
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (19), 7086-7092, 2011
A full Eulerian finite difference approach for solving fluid–structure coupling problems
K Sugiyama, S Ii, S Takeuchi, S Takagi, Y Matsumoto
Journal of Computational Physics 230 (3), 596-627, 2011
An interface capturing method with a continuous function: the THINC method with multi-dimensional reconstruction
S Ii, K Sugiyama, S Takeuchi, S Takagi, Y Matsumoto, F Xiao
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (5), 2328-2358, 2012
Unified formulation for compressible and incompressible flows by using multi-integrated moments II: Multi-dimensional version for compressible and incompressible flows
F Xiao, R Akoh, S Ii
Journal of Computational Physics 213 (1), 31-56, 2006
CIP/multi-moment finite volume method for Euler equations: a semi-Lagrangian characteristic formulation
S Ii, F Xiao
Journal of Computational Physics 222 (2), 849-871, 2007
Full Eulerian simulations of biconcave neo-Hookean particles in a Poiseuille flow
K Sugiyama, S Ii, S Takeuchi, S Takagi, Y Matsumoto
Computational Mechanics 46, 147-157, 2010
An efficient and accurate algebraic interface capturing method for unstructured grids in 2 and 3 dimensions: The THINC method with quadratic surface representation
B Xie, S Ii, F Xiao
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 76 (12), 1025-1042, 2014
An interface capturing method with a continuous function: The THINC method on unstructured triangular and tetrahedral meshes
S Ii, B Xie, F Xiao
Journal of Computational Physics 259, 260-269, 2014
High order multi-moment constrained finite volume method. Part I: Basic formulation
S Ii, F Xiao
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (10), 3669-3707, 2009
A multi-moment finite volume method for incompressible Navier–Stokes equations on unstructured grids: volume-average/point-value formulation
B Xie, S Ii, A Ikebata, F Xiao
Journal of Computational Physics 277, 138-162, 2014
An implicit full Eulerian method for the fluid–structure interaction problem
S Ii, K Sugiyama, S Takeuchi, S Takagi, Y Matsumoto
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 65 (1‐3), 150-165, 2011
A global shallow water model using high order multi-moment constrained finite volume method and icosahedral grid
S Ii, F Xiao
Journal of Computational physics 229 (5), 1774-1796, 2010
A review of full Eulerian methods for fluid structure interaction problems
S Takagi, K Sugiyama, S Ii, Y Matsumoto
A 4th-order and single-cell-based advection scheme on unstructured grids using multi-moments
S Ii, M Shimuta, F Xiao
Computer physics communications 173 (1-2), 17-33, 2005
A full Eulerian fluid-membrane coupling method with a smoothed volume-of-fluid approach
S Ii, X Gong, K Sugiyama, J Wu, H Huang, S Takagi
Communications in Computational Physics 12 (2), 544-576, 2012
A computational blood flow analysis in a capillary vessel including multiple red blood cells and platelets
S Ii, K Sugiyama, S Takagi, Y Matsumoto
Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 7 (1), 72-83, 2012
Multiscale modeling of human cerebrovasculature: A hybrid approach using image-based geometry and a mathematical algorithm
S Ii, H Kitade, S Ishida, Y Imai, Y Watanabe, S Wada
PLoS computational biology 16 (6), e1007943, 2020
A CIP/multi‐moment finite volume method for shallow water equations with source terms
R Akoh, S Ii, F Xiao
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 56 (12), 2245-2270, 2008
Aging-related volume changes in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid using artificial intelligence-automated segmentation
S Yamada, T Otani, S Ii, H Kawano, K Nozaki, S Wada, M Oshima, ...
European Radiology 33 (10), 7099-7112, 2023
Minimizing the blood velocity differences between phase-contrast magnetic resonance imaging and computational fluid dynamics simulation in cerebral arteries and aneurysms
MAH Mohd Adib, S Ii, Y Watanabe, S Wada
Medical & biological engineering & computing 55, 1605-1619, 2017
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Articles 1–20