Ken Courtenay
Ken Courtenay
Honorary Clinical Fellow UCL
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COVID-19 and people with intellectual disability: impacts of a pandemic
K Courtenay, B Perera
Irish journal of psychological medicine 37 (3), 231-236, 2020
Dementia in older adults with intellectual disabilities—epidemiology, presentation, and diagnosis
A Strydom, S Shooshtari, L Lee, V Raykar, J Torr, J Tsiouris, N Jokinen, ...
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 7 (2), 96-110, 2010
Predictors of age of diagnosis and survival of Alzheimer’s disease in Down syndrome
A Sinai, C Mokrysz, J Bernal, I Bohnen, S Bonell, K Courtenay, K Dodd, ...
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 61 (2), 717-728, 2017
Covid-19: challenges for people with intellectual disability
K Courtenay
Bmj 369, 2020
Dementia diagnostic criteria in Down syndrome
R Sheehan, A Sinai, N Bass, P Blatchford, I Bohnen, S Bonell, ...
International journal of geriatric psychiatry 30 (8), 857-863, 2015
Mental and physical health conditions in people with intellectual disabilities: Comparing local and national data
B Perera, S Audi, S Solomou, K Courtenay, H Ramsay
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 48 (1), 19-27, 2020
Assessment of an incentivised scheme to provide annual health checks in primary care for adults with intellectual disability: a longitudinal cohort study
M Buszewicz, C Welch, L Horsfall, I Nazareth, D Osborn, A Hassiotis, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 1 (7), 522-530, 2014
Caregiving and adults with intellectual disabilities affected by dementia
K Courtenay, NS Jokinen, A Strydom
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 7 (1), 26-33, 2010
Pharmacological management of behavioral and psychiatric symptoms in older adults with intellectual disability
N Eady, K Courtenay, A Strydom
Drugs & aging 32 (2), 95-102, 2015
Standardised patients with intellectual disabilities in training tomorrow's doctors
B Thomas, K Courtenay, A Hassiotis, A Strydom, K Rantell
The Psychiatric Bulletin 38 (3), 132-136, 2014
Impact of cholinesterase inhibitors or memantine on survival in adults with Down syndrome and dementia: clinical cohort study
N Eady, R Sheehan, K Rantell, A Sinai, J Bernal, I Bohnen, S Bonell, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 212 (3), 155-160, 2018
Report on the state of science on dementia in people with intellectual disabilities
A Strydom, LA Lee, N Jokinen, S Shooshtari, V Raykar, J Torr, JA Tsiouris, ...
IASSID Special Interest Research Group on Ageing and Intellectual Disabilities, 2009
Quality improvement in the management of people with epilepsy and intellectual disability: the development of clinical guidance
L Watkins, M O’Dwyer, M Kerr, M Scheepers, K Courtenay, R Shankar
Expert opinion on pharmacotherapy 21 (2), 173-181, 2020
Covid 19: People with learning disabilities are highly vulnerable
K Courtenay, V Cooper
bmj 374, 2021
UK psychiatrists’ experience of withdrawal of antipsychotics prescribed for challenging behaviours in adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism
S Deb, T Nancarrow, B Limbu, R Sheehan, M Wilcock, D Branford, ...
BJPsych open 6 (5), e112, 2020
Intellectual disability and dementia: Research into practice
T Chan, K Courtenay, S Kalsy, N Eady, MP Janicki, H Wilkinson, T Iacono, ...
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2014
Setting priorities for people with intellectual disability/intellectual developmental disorders across the lifespan: a call to action by the World Psychiatric Association
A Roy, K Courtenay, M Odiyoor, P Walsh, S Keane, A Biswas, G Marston, ...
BJPsych international 18 (3), 54-57, 2021
Intensive support for adults with intellectual disability and behaviours that challenge: a survey of provision and service typologies in England
A Hassiotis, A Walsh, J Budgett, I Harrison, R Jones, N Morant, ...
BJPsych Open 6 (2), e20, 2020
Adults with intellectual disability and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: clinical characteristics and medication profiles
R Al‐Khudairi, B Perera, S Solomou, K Courtenay
British Journal of Learning Disabilities 47 (2), 145-152, 2019
Diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in intellectual disability: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder V versus clinical impression
B Perera, K Courtenay, S Solomou, A Borakati, A Strydom
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 64 (3), 251-257, 2020
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Articles 1–20