Sahitya Maiya
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Cited by
Longitudinal changes in adolescents’ school bonding during the COVID‐19 pandemic: individual, parenting, and family correlates
S Maiya, AM Dotterer, SD Whiteman
Journal of Research on Adolescence 31 (3), 808-819, 2021
Relations among parenting, culture, and prosocial behaviors in US Mexican youth: An integrative socialization approach
C Streit, G Carlo, GP Knight, RMB White, S Maiya
Child Development 92 (4), e383-e397, 2021
Direct and indirect effects of parental involvement, deviant peer affiliation, and school connectedness on prosocial behaviors in US Latino/a youth
S Maiya, G Carlo, Z Gülseven, L Crockett
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 37 (10-11), 2898-2917, 2020
Towards a multisystem, strength-based model of social inequities in US Latinx youth
AN Davis, G Carlo, S Maiya
Human Development 65 (4), 204-216, 2021
Relations among acculturative stress, internalizing symptoms, and prosocial behaviors in Latinx college students.
S Maiya, G Carlo, AN Davis, C Streit
Journal of Latinx psychology 9 (2), 77, 2021
Relations between stress, coping strategies, and prosocial behavior in US Mexican college students
MK Memmott-Elison, M Yu, S Maiya, JL Dicus, G Carlo
Journal of American college health 70 (6), 1644-1650, 2022
Ethnic-racial and religious identity as mediators of relations between ethnic-racial socialization and prosocial behaviors among Black young adults
S Maiya, G Carlo, AM Landor, MK Memmott-Elison
Journal of Black Psychology 47 (1), 31-50, 2021
African American mothers talk to their preadolescents about honesty and lying.
JA Booker, JM Ispa, J Im, S Maiya, J Roos, G Carlo
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 27 (3), 521, 2021
A longitudinal study of paternal and maternal involvement and neighborhood risk on recent immigrant Latino/a youth prosocial behaviors
AN Davis, G Carlo, S Maiya, SJ Schwartz, J Szapocznik, S Des Rosiers
New directions for child and adolescent development 2021 (177), 13-30, 2021
Perceived attachment and problematic smartphone use in young people: mediating effects of self-regulation and prosociality
C López Mora, G Carlo, S Maiya, J González Hernández
Psicothema, 2021
Latino/a young adults’ experiences of acculturative stress, depressive symptoms, and romantic relationship commitment: Ethnic identity as protective
S Maiya, SE Killoren, JK Monk, GC Kline, FLC Chavez
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 38 (5), 1738-1749, 2021
Associations between older siblings’ substance use and younger siblings’ substance use intentions: Indirect effects via substance use expectations
S Maiya, SD Whiteman, S Serang, JC Dayley, JL Maggs, SA Mustillo, ...
Addictive behaviors 136, 107493, 2023
Sibling influences on adolescent alcohol use during the spring 2020 COVID-19 pandemic shutdown.
SD Whiteman, S Maiya, JR Cassinat, S Serang, BC Kelly, SA Mustillo, ...
Psychology of addictive behaviors 37 (7), 961, 2023
The Intervening roles of shame and guilt in relations between parenting and prosocial behavior in college students
Z Gülseven, S Maiya, G Carlo
The Journal of genetic psychology 183 (6), 564-579, 2022
Methodological issues in cross-cultural research on prosocial and moral development
G Carlo, S Maiya
Conducting Research in Developmental Psychology, 171-188, 2019
The intervening role of anxiety symptoms in associations between Self-Regulation and prosocial behaviors in US Latino/a college students
S Maiya, Z Gülseven, SE Killoren, G Carlo, C Streit
Journal of American college health 71 (2), 584-592, 2023
Direct and indirect effects of maternal and sibling intimacy on adolescents’ volunteering via social responsibility values: A longitudinal study
S Maiya, SD Whiteman, JC Dayley, S Serang, L Wray-Lake, BC Kelly, ...
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 40 (9), 2740-2762, 2023
Parenting and person correlates of prosocial behaviors in Asian Indian young adults
S Maiya, SE Killoren, G Carlo
Personal Relationships 29 (1), 100-119, 2022
COVID-19 pandemic-related financial hardships and adolescents’ adjustment: A longitudinal family stress approach
S Maiya, AM Dotterer, S Serang, SD Whiteman
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 53 (2), 432-445, 2024
Associations of work-related injuries and stress to family and youth wellbeing among US Latino/a immigrant cattle feedyard workers
G Carlo, M McGinley, S Maiya, AK Ramos
International journal of environmental research and public health 20 (4), 3361, 2023
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Articles 1–20