Dirk Scheuvens
Dirk Scheuvens
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Recent progress in understanding physical and chemical properties of African and Asian mineral dust
P Formenti, L Schütz, Y Balkanski, K Desboeufs, M Ebert, K Kandler, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (16), 8231-8256, 2011
Bulk composition of northern African dust and its source sediments—A compilation
D Scheuvens, L Schütz, K Kandler, M Ebert, S Weinbruch
Earth-Science Reviews 116, 170-194, 2013
Electron microscopy of particles collected at Praia, Cape Verde, during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment: particle chemistry, shape, mixing state and complex refractive index
K Kandler, K Lieke, N Benker, C Emmel, M Küpper, D Müller-Ebert, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 63 (4), 475-496, 2011
Ground-based off-line aerosol measurements at Praia, Cape Verde, during the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment: microphysical properties and mineralogy
K Kandler, L Schütz, S Jäckel, K Lieke, C Emmel, D Müller-Ebert, M Ebert, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 63 (4), 459-474, 2011
Single scattering by realistic, inhomogeneous mineral dust particles with stereogrammetric shapes
H Lindqvist, O Jokinen, K Kandler, D Scheuvens, T Nousiainen
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (1), 143-157, 2014
Particle chemical properties in the vertical column based on aircraft observations in the vicinity of Cape Verde Islands
K Lieke, K Kandler, D Scheuvens, C Emmel, C Glahn, A Petzold, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 63 (4), 497-511, 2011
Impacts of low emission zones in Germany on air pollution levels
W Jiang, M Boltze, S Groer, D Scheuvens
Transportation research procedia 25, 3370-3382, 2017
A quantitative estimation of the exhaust, abrasion and resuspension components of particulate traffic emissions using electron microscopy
S Weinbruch, A Worringen, M Ebert, D Scheuvens, K Kandler, U Pfeffer, ...
Atmospheric Environment 99, 175-182, 2014
Exhumation, strain localization, and emplacement of granitoids along the western part of the Central Bohemian shear zone (Bohemian Massif)
D Scheuvens, G Zulauf
International Journal of Earth Sciences 89, 617-630, 2000
Individual-particle analysis of airborne dust samples collected over Morocco in 2006 during SAMUM 1
D Scheuvens, K Kandler, M Küpper, K Lieke, RS Zorn, M Ebert, L Schütz, ...
Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology 63 (4), 512-530, 2011
On composition, morphology, and size distribution of airborne mineral dust
D Scheuvens, K Kandler
Mineral dust: A key player in the Earth system, 15-49, 2014
Recent progress in understanding physical and chemical properties of mineral dust
P Formenti, L Schuetz, Y Balkanski, K Desboeufs, M Ebert, K Kandler, ...
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss 10 (12), 31187-31251, 2010
Cambrian vs. Variscan tectonothermal evolution within the Teplá-Barrandian: evidence from U-Pb zircon ages of syn-tectonic plutons (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)
W Dörr, J Fiala, W Franke, U Haack, S Philippe, J Schastok, D Scheuvens, ...
Traffic-related immissions and their impact on historic buildings: implications from a pilot study at two German cities
M Auras, S Beer, P Bundschuh, J Eichhorn, M Mach, D Scheuvens, ...
Environmental earth sciences 69, 1135-1147, 2013
Asian and Saharan dust from a chemical/mineralogical point of view: differences and similarities from bulk and single particle measurements
K Kandler, D Scheuvens
E3S Web of Conferences 99, 03001, 2019
Metamorphism and microstructures along a high‐temperature metamorphic field gradient: the north–eastern boundary of the Královský hvozd unit (Bohemian Massif, Czech Republic)
D Scheuvens
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 20 (4), 413-428, 2002
Salt deposition and soiling of stone facades by traffic-induced immissions
M Auras, P Bundschuh, J Eichhorn, D Kirchner, M Mach, B Seewald, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 77, 1-16, 2018
The Teplá—Barrandian/Moldanubian s. str. boundary: preliminary geochronological results from fault related plutons
W Dörr, G Zulauf, J Schastok, D Scheuvens, Z Vejnar, K Wemmer, ...
Terra nostra 96 (2), 34-38, 1996
The impact of hydrothermal alteration on the physiochemical characteristics of reservoir rocks: the case of the Los Humeros geothermal field (Mexico)
LM Weydt, F Lucci, A Lacinska, D Scheuvens, G Carrasco-Núñez, ...
Geothermal Energy 10 (1), 20, 2022
Dating of collapse related plutons along the West-and Central Bohemian shear zones (European Variscides)
W Dörr, G Zulauf, J Fiala, J Schastok, D Scheuvens, S Wulf, Z Vejnar, ...
Terra Nostra 97 (5), 31-35, 1997
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Articles 1–20