Aleksander Wawer
Aleksander Wawer
Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences (IPI PAN)
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Cited by
SAMSum corpus: A human-annotated dialogue dataset for abstractive summarization
B Gliwa, I Mochol, M Biesek, A Wawer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.12237, 2019
Predicting webpage credibility using linguistic features
A Wawer, R Nielek, A Wierzbicki
Proceedings of the 23rd international conference on world wide web, 1135-1140, 2014
Social language in autism spectrum disorder: A computational analysis of sentiment and linguistic abstraction
I Chojnicka, A Wawer
PLoS One 15 (3), e0229985, 2020
Shallow parsing in sentiment analysis of product reviews
A Buczynski, A Wawer
Proceedings of the Partial Parsing workshop at LREC 2008, 14-18, 2008
Cross-domain failures of fake news detection
M Janicka, M Pszona, A Wawer
Computación y Sistemas 23 (3), 1089-1097, 2019
Spiral of hatred: social effects in internet auctions. between informativity and emotion
R Nielek, A Wawer, A Wierzbicki
Electronic Commerce Research 10 (3), 313-330, 2010
Extracting emotive patterns for languages with rich morphology
A Wawer
International Journal of Computational Linguistics and Applications 3 (1), 11-24, 2012
Single and cross-disorder detection for autism and schizophrenia
A Wawer, I Chojnicka, L Okruszek, J Sarzynska-Wawer
Cognitive Computation 14 (1), 461-473, 2022
Detecting figurative word occurrences using recurrent neural networks
A Mykowiecka, A Wawer, M Marciniak
Proceedings of the Workshop on Figurative Language Processing, 124-127, 2018
Mining co-occurrence matrices for SO-PMI paradigm word candidates
A Wawer
Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at the 13th Conference of the …, 2012
Detecting autism from picture book narratives using deep neural utterance embeddings
A Wawer, I Chojnicka
International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders 57 (5), 948-962, 2022
Czy komputer rozpozna hejtera? Wykorzystanie uczenia maszynowego (ML) w jakościowej analizie danych
M Troszyński, A Wawer
Przegląd Socjologii Jakościowej 13 (2), 62-80, 2017
Truth or lie: Exploring the language of deception
J Sarzynska-Wawer, A Pawlak, J Szymanowska, K Hanusz, A Wawer
PloS one 18 (2), e0281179, 2023
Supervised and unsupervised word sense disambiguation on word embedding vectors of unambigous synonyms
A Wawer, A Mykowiecka
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Sense, Concept and Entity Representations …, 2017
Temporal, cultural and thematic aspects of web credibility
R Nielek, A Wawer, M Jankowski-Lorek, A Wierzbicki
Social Informatics: 5th International Conference, SocInfo 2013, Kyoto, Japan …, 2013
Mining opinion attributes from texts using multiple kernel learning
A Wawer
2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 123-128, 2011
Automated classification of product review sentiments in polish
A Buczyński, A Wawer
Intelligent Information Systems, 213-217, 2008
Literal, metphorical or both? detecting metaphoricity in isolated adjective-noun phrases
A Mykowiecka, M Marciniak, A Wawer
Proceedings of the Workshop on Figurative Language Processing, 27-33, 2018
The linguistic category model in polish (LCM-PL)
A Wawer, J Sarzyńska
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources …, 2018
Results of the poleval 2017 competition: Sentiment analysis shared task
A Wawer, M Ogrodniczuk
8th Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a …, 2017
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Articles 1–20