Diganta Narzary
Diganta Narzary
Aerodynamics Engineer, Elliott Group
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Film cooling on a gas turbine blade pressure side or suction side with axial shaped holes
Z Gao, DP Narzary, JC Han
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 51 (9-10), 2139-2152, 2008
Influence of coolant density on turbine blade film-cooling using pressure sensitive paint technique
DP Narzary, KC Liu, AP Rallabandi, JC Han
Effect of a cutback squealer and cavity depth on film-cooling effectiveness on a gas turbine blade tip
S Mhetras, D Narzary, Z Gao, JC Han
Turbine blade platform film cooling with typical stator-rotor purge flow and discrete-hole film cooling
Z Gao, D Narzary, JC Han
Film-cooling on a gas turbine blade pressure side or suction side with compound angle shaped holes
Z Gao, DP Narzary, JC Han
Experiment on gas ingestion through axial-flow turbine rim seals
RP Roy, J Feng, D Narzary, RE Paolillo
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power 127 (3), 573-582, 2005
Film-cooling performance of antivortex hole on a flat plate
C LeBlanc, DP Narzary, S Ekkad
Journal of turbomachinery 135 (6), 061009, 2013
Effect of inlet flow angle on gas turbine blade tip film cooling
Z Gao, D Narzary, S Mhetras, JC Han
Full-coverage film cooling for a turbine blade with axial-shaped holes
Z Gao, DP Narzary, S Mhetras, JC Han
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 22 (1), 50-61, 2008
Experiments on gas ingestion through axial-flow turbine rim seals
RP Roy, J Feng, D Narzary, P Saurabh, RE Paolillo
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 41693, 347-358, 2004
Effect of unsteady wake on film-cooling effectiveness distribution on a gas turbine blade with compound shaped holes
DP Narzary, Z Gao, S Mhetras, JC Han
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 47934, 79-91, 2007
Film cooling performance of tripod antivortex injection holes over the pressure and suction surfaces of a nozzle guide vane
S Ramesh, C LeBlanc, D Narzary, S Ekkad, M Anne Alvin
Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications 9 (2), 021006, 2017
Influence of coolant density on turbine blade film-cooling using pressure sensitive paint technique
DP Narzary, KC Liu, AP Rallabandi, JC Han
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 43994, 1529-1540, 2010
Heat transfer and thermal mechanical stress distributions in gas turbine blades
FZ Sierra, D Narzary, C Bolaina, JC Han, J Kubiak, J Nebradt
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 48845, 115-126, 2009
Turbine blade platform film cooling with typical stator-rotor purge flow and discrete-hole film cooling
Z Gao, D Narzary, JC Han
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 43147, 263-274, 2008
Influence of shock wave on turbine vane suction side film cooling with compound-angle shaped holes
K Liu, DP Narzary, JC Han, AV Mirzamoghadam, A Riahi
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 54655, 447-457, 2011
Upstream Vortex Effects on Turbine Blade Platform Film Cooling With Typical Purge Flow
Z Gao, DP Narzary, S Mhetras, JC Han
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 26 (1), 75-84, 2012
Turbine blade tip film-cooling and heat transfer measurements at high blowing ratios
D Narzary, K Liu, JC Han, S Mhetras, K Landis
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 45721, V05BT13A025, 2014
Influence of coolant density on turbine blade platform film-cooling
DP Narzary, KC Liu, JC Han
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 48845, 287-299, 2009
Experimental Study of Gas Turbine Blade Film Cooling and Heat Transfer
DP Narzary
Texas A & M University, 2010
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Articles 1–20