Shang Sui (隋尚)
Shang Sui (隋尚)
Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology
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The influence of Laves phases on the room temperature tensile properties of Inconel 718 fabricated by powder feeding laser additive manufacturing
S Sui, H Tan, J Chen, C Zhong, Z Li, W Fan, A Gasser, W Huang
Acta Materialia 164, 413-427, 2019
Progress and perspectives in laser additive manufacturing of key aeroengine materials
C Tan, F Weng, S Sui, Y Chew, G Bi
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 170, 103804, 2021
The influence of Laves phases on the high-cycle fatigue behavior of laser additive manufactured Inconel 718
S Sui, J Chen, E Fan, H Yang, X Lin, W Huang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 695, 6-13, 2017
The microstructure evolution and tensile properties of Inconel 718 fabricated by high-deposition-rate laser directed energy deposition
Z Li, J Chen, S Sui, C Zhong, X Lu, X Lin
Additive Manufacturing 31, 100941, 2020
Investigation of dissolution behavior of laves phase in inconel 718 fabricated by laser directed energy deposition
S Sui, J Chen, Z Li, H Li, X Zhao, H Tan
Additive Manufacturing 32, 101055, 2020
A comparative study of Inconel 718 formed by high deposition rate laser metal deposition with GA powder and PREP powder
C Zhong, J Chen, S Linnenbrink, A Gasser, S Sui, R Poprawe
Materials & Design 107, 386-392, 2016
High deposition rate powder-and wire-based laser directed energy deposition of metallic materials: A review
Z Li, S Sui, X Ma, H Tan, C Zhong, G Bi, AT Clare, A Gasser, J Chen
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 181, 103942, 2022
The tensile deformation behavior of laser repaired Inconel 718 with a non-uniform microstructure
S Sui, J Chen, R Zhang, X Ming, F Liu, X Lin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 688, 480-487, 2017
Microstructures and stress rupture properties of pulse laser repaired Inconel 718 superalloy after different heat treatments
S Sui, J Chen, L Ma, W Fan, H Tan, F Liu, X Lin
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 770, 125-135, 2019
Laser solid forming additive manufacturing TiB2 reinforced 2024Al composite: Microstructure and mechanical properties
X Wen, Q Wang, Q Mu, N Kang, S Sui, H Yang, X Lin, W Huang
Materials Science and Engineering: A 745, 319-325, 2019
Additive manufacturing of multi-scale heterostructured high-strength steels
C Tan, Y Chew, R Duan, F Weng, S Sui, FL Ng, Z Du, G Bi
Materials Research Letters 9 (7), 291-299, 2021
The failure mechanism of 50% laser additive manufactured Inconel 718 and the deformation behavior of Laves phases during a tensile process
S Sui, J Chen, X Ming, S Zhang, X Lin, W Huang
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 91, 2733-2740, 2017
Influence of solution heat treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of Inconel 718 formed by high-deposition-rate laser metal deposition
S Sui, C Zhong, J Chen, A Gasser, W Huang, JH Schleifenbaum
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 740, 389-399, 2018
Laves phase tuning for enhancing high temperature mechanical property improvement in laser directed energy deposited Inconel 718
S Sui, Z Li, C Zhong, Q Zhang, A Gasser, J Chen, Y Chew, G Bi
Composites Part B: Engineering 215, 108819, 2021
Microstructure and room-temperature tensile property of Ti-5.7 Al-4.0 Sn-3.5 Zr-0.4 Mo-0.4 Si-0.4 Nb-1.0 Ta-0.05 C with near equiaxed β grain fabricated by laser directed …
MC Deng, S Sui, B Yao, L Ma, X Lin, J Chen
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 101, 308-320, 2022
Achieving grain refinement and ultrahigh yield strength in laser aided additive manufacturing of Ti− 6Al− 4V alloy by trace Ni addition
S Sui, Y Chew, F Weng, C Tan, Z Du, G Bi
Virtual and Physical Prototyping 16 (4), 417-427, 2021
Effect of cyclic heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser aided additive manufacturing Ti–6Al–2Sn–4Zr–2Mo alloy
S Sui, Y Chew, Z Hao, F Weng, C Tan, Z Du, G Bi
Advanced Powder Materials 1 (1), 100002, 2022
Laser aided additive manufacturing of spatially heterostructured steels
C Tan, Y Chew, F Weng, S Sui, FL Ng, T Liu, G Bi
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 172, 103817, 2022
Influence of oxides on the cryogenic tensile properties of the laser aided additive manufactured CoCrNi medium entropy alloy
F Weng, Y Chew, Z Zhu, S Sui, C Tan, X Yao, FL Ng, WK Ong, G Bi
Composites Part B: Engineering 216, 108837, 2021
Study of the intrinsic mechanisms of nickel additive for grain refinement and strength enhancement of laser aided additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4V
S Sui, Y Chew, F Weng, C Tan, Z Du, G Bi
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing 4 (3), 035102, 2022
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Articles 1–20