Alois Schmalwieser
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Cited by
Comparison of models used for UV index calculations
P Koepke, A Bais, D Balis, M Buchwitz, H De Backer, X de Cabo, P Eckert, ...
Photochemistry and Photobiology 67 (6), 657-662, 1998
UV-Index for the Public
K Vanicek, T Frei, Z Litynska, A Schmalwieser
Publication of the European Communities, Brussels, Belgium, 2000
Know your standard: clarifying the CIE erythema action spectrum
AR Webb, H Slaper, P Koepke, AW Schmalwieser
Photochemistry and photobiology 87 (2), 483-486, 2011
Sun and ski holidays improve vitamin D status, but are associated with high levels of DNA damage
B Petersen, HC Wulf, M Triguero-Mas, PA Philipsen, E Thieden, P Olsen, ...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 134 (11), 2806-2813, 2014
Facial solar UV exposure of Austrian farmers during occupation
AW Schmalwieser, A Cabaj, G Schauberger, H Rohn, B Maier, H Maier
Photochemistry and photobiology 86 (6), 1404-1413, 2010
Important vectors for Listeria monocytogenes transmission at farm dairies manufacturing fresh sheep and goat cheese from raw milk
D Schoder, D Melzner, A Schmalwieser, A Zangana, P Winter, M Wagner
Journal of Food Protection 74 (6), 919-924, 2011
UV Index monitoring in Europe
AW Schmalwieser, J Gröbner, M Blumthaler, B Klotz, H De Backer, ...
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 16 (9), 1349-1370, 2017
Comparison of measured and modelled UV indices for the assessment of health risks
H De Backer, P Koepke, A Bais, X de Cabo, T Frei, D Gillotay, C Haite, ...
Meteorological Applications: A journal of forecasting, practical …, 2001
Physical characteristics of six new thermocyclers
D Schoder, A Schmalwieser, G Schauberger, M Kuhn, J Hoorfar, ...
Clinical chemistry 49 (6), 960-963, 2003
Measurements of UV irradiance within the area of one satellite pixel
P Weihs, M Blumthaler, HE Rieder, A Kreuter, S Simic, W Laube, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (18), 5615-5626, 2008
A library of action spectra for erythema and pigmentation
AW Schmalwieser, S Wallisch, B Diffey
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 1, 251-268, 2002
Novel approach for assessing performance of PCR cyclers used for diagnostic testing
D Schoder, A Schmalwieser, G Schauberger, J Hoorfar, M Kuhn, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 43 (6), 2724-2728, 2005
Modelling solar UV radiation in the past: Comparison of algorithms and input data
P Koepke, H De Backer, A Bais, A Curylo, K Eerme, U Feister, B Johnsen, ...
Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XI 6362, 274-284, 2006
Review on nonoccupational personal solar UV exposure measurements
AW Schmalwieser, AM Siani
Photochemistry and Photobiology 94 (5), 900-915, 2018
Reconstruction of erythemal UV-doses for two stations in Austria: a comparison between alpine and urban regions
HE Rieder, F Holawe, S Simic, M Blumthaler, JW Krzyścin, JE Wagner, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 8 (20), 6309-6323, 2008
A monitoring network for erythemally-effective solar ultraviolet radiation in Austria: determination of the measuring sites and visualisation of the spatial distribution
AW Schmalwieser, G Schauberger
Theoretical and applied climatology 69, 221-229, 2001
Dual ground-based MAX-DOAS observations in Vienna, Austria: Evaluation of horizontal and temporal NO2, HCHO, and CHOCHO distributions and comparison with independent data sets
SF Schreier, A Richter, E Peters, M Ostendorf, AW Schmalwieser, P Weihs, ...
Atmospheric Environment: X 5, 100059, 2020
Measurements of personal UV exposure on different parts of the body during various activities
P Weihs, A Schmalwieser, C Reinisch, E Meraner, S Walisch, M Harald
Photochemistry and photobiology 89 (4), 1004-1007, 2013
UV-Index for the public. A guide for publication and interpretation of solar UV Index forecasts for the public prepared by the Working Group 4 of the COST-713 Action “UV-B …
K Vanicek, T Frei, Z Litynska, A Schmalwieser
Eur. Coop. in the Field of Sci. and Tech. Res., Brussels, 2000
Global Forecast Model to Predict the Daily Dose of the Solar Erythemally Effective UV Radiation
AW Schmalwieser, G Schauberger, M Janouch, M Nunez, T Koskela, ...
Photochemistry and photobiology 81 (1), 154-162, 2005
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Articles 1–20