Benyamin Lakitan
Benyamin Lakitan
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Dasar-dasar fisiologi tumbuhan
B Lakitan
Raja grafindo persada, 2010
Fisiologi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman
B Lakitan
PT Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta 188, 1996
Dasar-dasar klimatologi
B Lakitan
PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta, 2002
Environmental and economic impacts of reducing US agricultural pesticide use
D Pimentel, L McLaughlin, A Zepp, B Lakitan, T Kraus, P Kleinman, ...
The pesticide question: environment, economics, and ethics, 223-278, 1993
Environmental and economic effects of reducing pesticide use
D Pimentel, L McLaughlin, A Zepp, B Lakitan, T Kraus, P Kleinman, ...
BioScience 41 (6), 402-409, 1991
Environmental and economic effects of reducing pesticide use in agriculture
D Pimentel, L McLaughlin, A Zepp, B Lakitan, T Kraus, P Kleinman, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 46 (1-4), 273-288, 1993
Fisiologi Tumbuhan dan Perkembangan Tanaman
B Lakitan
Raja Grafindo. Jakarta, 1996
Hortikultura: Teori, Budidaya dan Pasca Panen
B Lakitan
Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 1995
Connecting all the dots: Identifying the “actor level” challenges in establishing effective innovation system in Indonesia
B Lakitan
Technology in society 35 (1), 41-54, 2013
Scientific productivity and the collaboration intensity of Indonesian universities and public R&D institutions: Are there dependencies on collaborative R&D with foreign …
B Lakitan, D Hidayat, S Herlinda
Technology in Society 34 (3), 227-238, 2012
Recognizing farmers’ practices and constraints for intensifying rice production at Riparian Wetlands in Indonesia
B Lakitan, B Hadi, S Herlinda, E Siaga, LI Widuri, K Kartika, L Lindiana, ...
NJAS-Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences 85, 10-20, 2018
Kebijakan inovasi teknologi untuk pengelolaan lahan suboptimal berkelanjutan
B Lakitan, N Gofar
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal, 2013
Dasar-dasar fisiologi tanaman
B Lakitan
Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta 203, 1993
The benefits of biochar on rice growth and yield in tropical riparian wetland, South Sumatra, Indonesia
B Lakitan, A Alberto, L Lindiana, K Kartika, S Herlinda, A Kurnianingsih
Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences 17 (2), 111-126, 2018
Effects of particle size and application rate of rice-husk biochar on chemical properties of tropical wetland soil, rice growth and yield
K Kartika, B Lakitan, A Wijaya, S Kadir, LI Widuri, E Siaga, M Meihana
Australian Journal of Crop Science 12 (5), 817-826, 2018
Fisiologi Tumbuhan
B Lakitan
Raja Grafindo Persada. Jakarta, 1996
Application of floating culture system in chili pepper (Capsicum annum L.) during prolonged flooding period at riparian wetland in Indonesia
E Siaga, B Lakitan, SM Bernas, A Wijaya, R Lisda, F Ramadhani, ...
Australian Journal of Crop Science 12 (5), 808-816, 2018
Relative leaf expansion rate and other leaf-related indicators for detection of drought stress in chili pepper ('Capsicum annuum'L.)
LI Widuri, B Lakitan, M Hasmeda, E Sodikin, A Wijaya, M Meihana, ...
Australian journal of crop science 11 (12), 1617-1625, 2017
Flooding affects snap bean yield and genotypic variation in leaf gas exchange and root growth response
B Lakitan, DW Wolfe, RW Zobel
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 117 (5), 711-716, 1992
Simplifying procedure for a non-destructive, inexpensive, yet accurate trifoliate leaf area estimation in snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
B Lakitan, LI Widuri, M Meihana
Journal of Applied Horticulture 19 (1), 15-21, 2017
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Articles 1–20