L. Francisco Henao-Diaz
L. Francisco Henao-Diaz
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Macroevolutionary diversification rates show time dependency
LFH Diaz, LJ Harmon, MTC Sugawara, ET Miller, MW Pennell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (15), 7403–7408, 2019
On the origin of coexisting species
RM Germain, SP Hart, MM Turcotte, SP Otto, J Sakarchi, J Rolland, T Usui, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 36 (4), 284-293, 2021
Causes and consequences of apparent timescaling across all estimated evolutionary rates
LJ Harmon, MW Pennell, LF Henao-Diaz, J Rolland, BN Sipley, JC Uyeda
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 52 (1), 587-609, 2021
Conceptual and empirical bridges between micro-and macroevolution
J Rolland, LF Henao-Diaz, M Doebeli, R Germain, LJ Harmon, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 7 (8), 1181-1193, 2023
Atlas de la biodiversidad de Colombia. Primates
F Henao-Diaz, P Stevenson, X Carretero-Pinzón, C Castillo-Ayala, ...
Henao-Díaz, F. et al.(2020). Atlas de la biodiversidad de Colombia. Primates …, 2020
Academic publishing requires linguistically inclusive policies
H Arenas-Castro, V Berdejo-Espinola, S Chowdhury, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291 (2018), 20232840, 2024
Caracterización biológica en la zona de transición bosque-páramo del Complejo de Páramos Chingaza, Colombia
LF Henao-Díaz, S Arroyo, G Cárdenas-Posada, M Fernández, JP López, ...
Biota colombiana 20 (1), 132-145, 2019
Patrones de diversidad de epífitas en bosques de tierras bajas y subandinos
LF Henao-Díaz, NM Pacheco-Fernández, S Argüello-Bernal, ...
Colombia forestal 15 (2), 161-172, 2012
The scaling of diversification rates with age is likely explained by sampling bias
S Louca, LF Henao-Diaz, M Pennell
Evolution 76 (7), 1625-1637, 2022
Drivers of biomass stocks in Northwestern South American forests: Contributing new information on the Neotropics
AM Aldana, B Villanueva, Á Cano, DF Correa, MN Umaña, LF Casas, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 389, 86-95, 2017
Diet of oilbirds (Steatornis caripensis) in Cueva de los Guácharos National Park (Colombia): temporal variation in fruit consumption, dispersal, and seed morphology
PR Stevenson, LM Cardona, DC Acosta-Rojas, F Henao-Diaz, ...
Ornitología Neotropical 28, 295-307, 2017
Social interactions and proximal spacing in woolly monkeys: lonely females looking for male friends
PR Stevenson, DA Zárate, MA Ramírez, F Henao-Díaz
Dispersing primate females: Life history and social strategies in male …, 2015
Forestación de bosques en sabanas de la altillanura colombiana: relevancia de las condiciones ambientales para el establecimiento de plántulas
PR Stevenson, MA Ramírez, LF Casas, F Henao-Díaz
Biota Colombiana 18 (1 Sup), 99-109, 2017
Fruit size in Indo-Malayan island plants is more strongly influenced by filtering than by in situ evolution
JF Brodie, LF Henao-Diaz, B Pratama, C Copeland, T Wheeler, OE Helmy
The American Naturalist 201 (4), 574-585, 2023
The major features of macroevolution
LF Henao-Diaz, M Pennell
Systematic Biology 72 (5), 1188-1198, 2023
Variation in fruit and seed dimensions is better explained by dispersal system than by leaf size in a tropical rainforest
PR Stevenson, DC Acosta‐Rojas, S Cárdenas, L Francisco Henao‐Díaz
American Journal of Botany 110 (8), e16211, 2023
Avifauna asociada a bosques primarios y secundarios del Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de Los Guácharos, Colombia
PR Stevenson, C Cortés, R Reyes, R Paramero, JF Uni, JL Peña-Núñez, ...
Actualidades Biológicas 44 (116), 2022
Specific gravity of woody tissue from lowland Neotropical plants: differences among forest types
LF Casas, AM Aldana, F Henao‐Diaz, B Villanueva, PR Stevenson
Ecology 98 (5), 1474-1474, 2017
Effect of a territorial challenge on the steroid profile of a juvenile songbird
SL Gray, EK Lam, LF Henao-Diaz, C Jalabert, KK Soma
Neuroscience 541, 118-132, 2024
tanggle: Visualization of phylogenetic networks in a ggplot2 framework
K Schliep, M Vidal-García, L Biancani, FH Diaz, E Ada, C Solís-Lemus
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Articles 1–20