Martin Lanser
Martin Lanser
Akademischer Rat, Mathematisches Institut, Universität zu Köln
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Cited by
Toward extremely scalable nonlinear domain decomposition methods for elliptic partial differential equations
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (6), C667-C696, 2015
Nonlinear feti-dp and bddc methods
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (2), A737-A765, 2014
Combining machine learning and domain decomposition methods for the solution of partial differential equations—A review
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
GAMM‐Mitteilungen 44 (1), e202100001, 2021
Nonlinear FETI-DP and BDDC methods: a unified framework and parallel results
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach, M Uran
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 39 (6), C417-C451, 2017
On an adaptive coarse space and on nonlinear domain decomposition
A Klawonn, M Lanser, P Radtke, O Rheinbach
Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XXI, 71-83, 2014
Machine learning in adaptive domain decomposition methods---predicting the geometric location of constraints
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 41 (6), A3887-A3912, 2019
Scalability of classical algebraic multigrid for elasticity to half a million parallel tasks
AH Baker, A Klawonn, T Kolev, M Lanser, O Rheinbach, UM Yang
Software for Exascale Computing-SPPEXA 2013-2015, 113-140, 2016
Combining Machine Learning and Adaptive Coarse Spaces---A Hybrid Approach for Robust FETI-DP Methods in Three Dimensions
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 43 (5), S816-S838, 2021
Estimating the time-dependent contact rate of SIR and SEIR models in mathematical epidemiology using physics-informed neural networks
V Grimm, A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal 56, 1-27, 2022
Computational homogenization with million-way parallelism using domain decomposition methods
A Klawonn, S Köhler, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
Computational Mechanics 65 (1), 1-22, 2020
FE2TI: Computational Scale Bridging for Dual-Phase Steels
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
Parallel Computing: On the Road to Exascale, 797-806, 2016
Hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelization in FETI-DP methods
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach, H Stengel, G Wellein
Recent Trends in Computational Engineering-CE2014: Optimization, Uncertainty …, 2015
A highly scalable implementation of inexact nonlinear FETI-DP without sparse direct solvers
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications ENUMATH 2015, 255-264, 2016
A frugal FETI-DP and BDDC coarse space for heterogeneous problems
A Heinlein, A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
Universität zu Köln, 2019
Nonlinear feti-dp and bddc methods
MH Lanser
Universität zu Köln, 2015
Nonlinear BDDC methods with approximate solvers
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2018
One-Way and Fully-Coupled FE2 Methods for Heterogeneous Elasticity and Plasticity Problems: Parallel Scalability and an Application to Thermo-Elastoplasticity of …
D Balzani, A Gandhi, A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach, J Schröder
Software for Exascale Computing-SPPEXA 2013-2015, 91-112, 2016
Multicore performance engineering of sparse triangular solves using a modified roofline model
M Wittmann, G Hager, R Janalik, M Lanser, A Klawonn, O Rheinbach, ...
2018 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2018
A Domain Decomposition–Based CNN-DNN Architecture for Model Parallel Training Applied to Image Recognition Problems
A Klawonn, M Lanser, J Weber
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 46 (5), C557-C582, 2024
Preconditioning the coarse problem of BDDC methods-three-level, algebraic multigrid, and vertex-based preconditioners
A Klawonn, M Lanser, O Rheinbach, J Weber
Universität zu Köln, 2019
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Articles 1–20