Jeremy J. Gibbs
Jeremy J. Gibbs
Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Georgia
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Religious conflict, sexual identity, and suicidal behaviors among LGBT young adults
JJ Gibbs, J Goldbach
Archives of suicide research 19 (4), 472-488, 2015
Acceptability of smartphone application-based HIV prevention among young men who have sex with men
IW Holloway, E Rice, J Gibbs, H Winetrobe, S Dunlap, H Rhoades
AIDS and Behavior 18, 285-296, 2014
Sex risk among young men who have sex with men who use Grindr, a smartphone geosocial networking application.
E Rice, I Holloway, H Winetrobe, H Rhoades, A Barman-Adhikari, J Gibbs, ...
A developmentally informed adaptation of minority stress for sexual minority adolescents
JT Goldbach, JJ Gibbs
Journal of adolescence 55, 36-50, 2017
Sexting and sexual behavior among middle school students
E Rice, J Gibbs, H Winetrobe, H Rhoades, A Plant, J Montoya, T Kordic
Pediatrics 134 (1), e21-e28, 2014
Network influences on the sexual risk behaviors of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men using geosocial networking applications
IW Holloway, CA Pulsipher, J Gibbs, A Barman-Adhikari, E Rice
AIDS and Behavior 19, 112-122, 2015
Strategies employed by sexual minority adolescents to cope with minority stress.
JT Goldbach, J Gibbs
Psychology of sexual orientation and gender diversity 2 (3), 297, 2015
The social context of depression symptomology in sexual minority male youth: Determinants of depression in a sample of Grindr users
JJ Gibbs, E Rice
Journal of homosexuality 63 (2), 278-299, 2016
Religious identity dissonance: Understanding how sexual minority adolescents manage antihomosexual religious messages
JJ Gibbs, JT Goldbach
Journal of Homosexuality 68 (13), 2189-2213, 2021
Bullying victimization trajectories for sexual minority adolescents: Stable victims, desisters, and late‐onset victims
PR Sterzing, JJ Gibbs, RE Gartner, JT Goldbach
Journal of research on adolescence 28 (2), 368-378, 2018
Depressive symptoms, childhood maltreatment, and allostatic load: the importance of sex differences
J O’Shields, JJ Gibbs
Psychoneuroendocrinology 126, 105130, 2021
Strategies employed by sexual minority adolescents to cope with minority stress. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 2 (3), 297–306
JT Goldbach, J Gibbs
Minority stress and sleep: How do stress perception and anxiety symptoms act as mediators for sexual minority men?
JJ Gibbs, RA Fusco
Sleep Health 9 (2), 136-143, 2023
Venue-based versus geosocial networking application-based recruitment of young men who have sex with men: An examination of feasibility
JJ Gibbs, DE Traube, JT Goldbach
Field Methods 34 (2), 143-162, 2022
Sexual assault and behavioral health: What can we learn from a probability sample of young sexual minority men?
JJ Gibbs, A Baldwin-White
Journal of interpersonal violence 38 (3-4), 2614-2629, 2023
Using geosocial networking apps to understand the spatial distribution of gay and bisexual men: Pilot study
KG Card, J Gibbs, NJ Lachowsky, BW Hawkins, M Compton, J Edward, ...
JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 4 (3), e8931, 2018
Discrimination and sleep disturbance: how is substance use a mediator for sexual minority men?
JJ Gibbs
Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions 23 (1), 52-63, 2023
Examining Latino immigrant caregiver’s self-efficacy to support the prevention of adolescent suicide
T Villarreal-Otálora, JJ Gibbs, JF Boyas
Journal of Child and Family Studies 32 (10), 3263-3274, 2023
Religion and violence against sexual and gender minorities: A cyclical minority stress model
L Price, JJ Gibbs
Violence against LGBTQ+ persons: Research, practice, and advocacy, 283-300, 2020
“It’s another gay disease”: an intersectional qualitative approach contextualizing the lived experiences of young gay, bisexual, and other sexual minoritized men in the United …
BP Takenaka, SJ Kirklewski, FJ Griffith, JJ Gibbs, CK Lauckner, ...
BMC Public Health 24 (1), 1574, 2024
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Articles 1–20