Brin FS Grenyer
Brin FS Grenyer
Northfields Psychology Clinic, School of Psychology, University of Wollongong
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Understanding transference: The core conflictual relationship theme method
L Luborsky, P Crits-Christoph
American Psychological Association, 1998
Prevalence and precipitants of aggression in psychiatric inpatient units
K Barlow, B Grenyer, O Ilkiw-Lavalle
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 34 (6), 967-974, 2000
Fish oil supplementation in the treatment of major depression: a randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial
BFS Grenyer, T Crowe, B Meyer, AJ Owen, EM Grigonis-Deane, P Caputi, ...
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 31 (7), 1393-1396, 2007
The biopsychosocial impact of end‐stage renal disease: the experience of dialysis patients and their partners
Y White, BFS Grenyer
Journal of advanced nursing 30 (6), 1312-1320, 1999
Borderline personality or complex posttraumatic stress disorder? An update on the controversy
KL Lewis, BFS Grenyer
Harvard review of psychiatry 17 (5), 322-328, 2009
Gestational diabetes mellitus: is a diagnosis associated with an increase in maternal anxiety and stress in the short and intermediate term?
S Daniells, BFS Grenyer, WS Davis, KJ Coleman, JAP Burgess, ...
Diabetes care 26 (2), 385-389, 2003
Fearful attachment, working alliance and treatment response for individuals with major depression
S Reis, BFS Grenyer
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy: An International Journal of Theory …, 2004
Burden and support needs of carers of persons with borderline personality disorder: a systematic review
RC Bailey, BFS Grenyer
Harvard review of psychiatry 21 (5), 248-258, 2013
Supporting a person with personality disorder: a study of carer burden and well-being
RC Bailey, BFS Grenyer
Journal of Personality Disorders 28 (6), 796-809, 2014
Parenting and personality disorder: An overview and meta-synthesis of systematic reviews
KR Steele, ML Townsend, BFS Grenyer
PloS one 14 (10), e0223038, 2019
The value of psychological treatment for borderline personality disorder: Systematic review and cost offset analysis of economic evaluations
D Meuldijk, A McCarthy, ME Bourke, BFS Grenyer
PloS one 12 (3), e0171592, 2017
Low plasma vitamin E levels in major depression: diet or disease?
AJ Owen, MJ Batterham, YC Probst, BFS Grenyer, LC Tapsell
European journal of clinical nutrition 59 (2), 304-306, 2005
Differences between patient and staff perceptions of aggression in mental health units
O Ilkiw-Lavalle, BFS Grenyer
Psychiatric Services 54 (3), 389-393, 2003
Is therapist alliance or whole group cohesion more influential in group psychotherapy outcomes?
TP Crowe, BFS Grenyer
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy 15 (4), 239-246, 2008
Tuna fishmeal as a source of DHA for n− 3 PUFA enrichment of pork, chicken, and eggs
PRC Howe, JA Downing, BFS Grenyer, EM Grigonis‐Deane, WL Bryden
Lipids 37 (11), 1067-1076, 2002
Pathways to anaclitic and introjective depression
S Reis, BFS Grenyer
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 75 (4), 445-459, 2002
Cannabis dependence: its nature, consequences and treatment
R Roffman, RS Stephens
Cambridge university press, 2006
Psychotherapists' response to borderline personality disorder: A core conflictual relationship theme analysis
ME Bourke, BFS Grenyer
Psychotherapy Research 20 (6), 680-691, 2010
Safer at work: development and evaluation of an aggression and violence minimization program
BFS Grenyer, BFS Grenyer, O Ilkiw-Lavalle, P Biro, J Middleby-Clements, ...
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 38 (10), 804-810, 2004
Recovery from borderline personality disorder: A systematic review of the perspectives of consumers, clinicians, family and carers
FYY Ng, ME Bourke, BFS Grenyer
PloS one 11 (8), e0160515, 2016
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Articles 1–20