Clark Pennelly
Clark Pennelly
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Verification of the WRF model for simulating heavy precipitation in Alberta
C Pennelly, G Reuter, T Flesch
Atmospheric Research 135, 172-192, 2014
Mixed layer depth calculation in deep convection regions in ocean numerical models
P Courtois, X Hu, C Pennelly, P Spence, PG Myers
Ocean Modelling 120, 60-78, 2017
Sensitivity of Labrador Sea Water formation to changes in model resolution, atmospheric forcing, and freshwater input
Y Garcia‐Quintana, P Courtois, X Hu, C Pennelly, D Kieke, PG Myers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (3), 2126-2152, 2019
Cross‐isobath freshwater exchange within the North Atlantic subpolar gyre
C Pennelly, X Hu, PG Myers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (10), 6831-6853, 2019
Introducing LAB60: A NEMO 3.6 numerical simulation of the Labrador Sea
C Pennelly, PG Myers
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (10), 4959-4975, 2020
Behaviors of sessile benthic animals in the abyssal northeast Pacific Ocean
AS Kahn, CW Pennelly, PR McGill, SP Leys
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 173, 104729, 2020
Temperature flux carried by individual eddies across 47° N in the A tlantic O cean
V Müller, D Kieke, PG Myers, C Pennelly, C Mertens
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (3), 2441-2464, 2017
Heat and freshwater transport by mesoscale eddies in the southern subpolar North Atlantic
V Müller, D Kieke, PG Myers, C Pennelly, R Steinfeldt, I Stendardo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 124 (8), 5565-5585, 2019
The changing behavior of the West Greenland Current system in a very high‐resolution model
R Gou, C Pennelly, PG Myers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127 (8), e2022JC018404, 2022
Extreme high Greenland Blocking Index leads to the reversal of Davis and Nares Strait net transport toward the Arctic Ocean
PG Myers, L Castro de la Guardia, C Fu, LC Gillard, N Grivault, X Hu, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (17), e2021GL094178, 2021
Tracking Irminger Rings’ properties using a sub-mesoscale ocean model
C Pennelly, PG Myers
Progress in Oceanography 201, 102735, 2022
Seasonal cycle of the coastal west Greenland current system between cape farewell and cape desolation from a very high‐resolution numerical model
R Gou, C Feucher, C Pennelly, PG Myers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (5), e2020JC017017, 2021
Impact of different atmospheric forcing sets on modeling Labrador Sea Water production
C Pennelly, PG Myers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 126 (2), e2020JC016452, 2021
Verification of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model when forecasting daily surface conditions in Southern Alberta
C Pennelly, G Reuter
Atmosphere-Ocean 55 (1), 31-41, 2017
The effects of atmospheric and lateral buoyancy fluxes on Labrador Sea mixed layer depth
LC Gillard, C Pennelly, HL Johnson, PG Myers
Ocean Modelling 171, 101974, 2022
Effects of weather on traffic Collisions in edmonton, Canada
C Pennelly, GW Reuter, S Tjandra
Atmosphere-Ocean 56 (5), 362-371, 2018
Simulated impacts of relative climate change and river discharge regulation on sea ice and oceanographic conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex
JV Lukovich, S Jafarikhasragh, PG Myers, NA Ridenour, LC de la Guardia, ...
Elem Sci Anth 9 (1), 00127, 2021
Variability of eddy formation off the west Greenland coast from a 1/60 model
R Gou, P Li, KN Wiegand, C Pennelly, D Kieke, PG Myers
Journal of Physical Oceanography 53 (10), 2475-2490, 2023
A baseline evaluation of atmospheric and river discharge conditions in the Hudson Bay Complex during 2016–2018
JV Lukovich, A Tefs, S Jafarikhasragh, C Pennelly, PG Myers, TA Stadnyk, ...
Elem Sci Anth 9 (1), 00126, 2021
Introducing LAB60: A 1/60◦ NEMO 3.6 numerical simulation of the Labrador Sea, Geosci. Model Dev., 13, 4959–4975
C Pennelly, PG Myers
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Articles 1–20