Atsuko Takashima
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Cited by
Theta and gamma oscillations predict encoding and retrieval of declarative memory
D Osipova, A Takashima, R Oostenveld, G Fernández, E Maris, O Jensen
The Journal of neuroscience 26 (28), 7523-7531, 2006
Declarative memory consolidation in humans: a prospective functional magnetic resonance imaging study
A Takashima, KM Petersson, F Rutters, I Tendolkar, O Jensen, MJ Zwarts, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (3), 756-761, 2006
Differential roles for medial prefrontal and medial temporal cortices in schema-dependent encoding: From congruent to incongruent
MTR van Kesteren, SF Beul, A Takashima, RN Henson, DJ Ruiter, ...
Neuropsychologia 51 (12), 2352-2359, 2013
Shift from hippocampal to neocortical centered retrieval network with consolidation
A Takashima, ILC Nieuwenhuis, O Jensen, LM Talamini, M Rijpkema, ...
The Journal of Neuroscience 29 (32), 10087-10093, 2009
The role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in memory consolidation
ILC Nieuwenhuis, A Takashima
Behavioural brain research 218 (2), 325-334, 2011
Sleep directly following learning benefits consolidation of spatial associative memory
LM Talamini, ILC Nieuwenhuis, A Takashima, O Jensen
Learning & Memory 15 (4), 233-237, 2008
Neural entrainment determines the words we hear
A Kösem, HR Bosker, A Takashima, A Meyer, O Jensen, P Hagoort
Current Biology 28 (18), 2867-2875. e3, 2018
Memory stabilization with targeted reactivation during human slow-wave sleep
EV van Dongen, A Takashima, M Barth, J Zapp, LR Schad, KA Paller, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (26), 10575-10580, 2012
Why are friends special? Implementing a social interaction simulation task to probe the neural correlates of friendship
B Güroğlu, GJT Haselager, CFM van Lieshout, A Takashima, M Rijpkema, ...
Neuroimage 39 (2), 903-910, 2008
Sleep supports selective retention of associative memories based on relevance for future utilization
EV van Dongen, JW Thielen, A Takashima, M Barth, G Fernández
PloS one 7 (8), e43426, 2012
Richness of information about novel words influences how episodic and semantic memory networks interact during lexicalization
A Takashima, I Bakker, JG van Hell, G Janzen, JM McQueen
NeuroImage 84, 265-278, 2014
Tracking lexical consolidation with ERPs: Lexical and semantic-priming effects on N400 and LPC responses to newly-learned words
I Bakker, A Takashima, JG van Hell, G Janzen, JM McQueen
Neuropsychologia 79, 33-41, 2015
Attention for speaking: domain-general control from the anterior cingulate cortex in spoken word production
V Piai, A Roelofs, DJ Acheson, A Takashima
Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 832, 2013
Competition from unseen or unheard novel words: Lexical consolidation across modalities
I Bakker, A Takashima, JG van Hell, G Janzen, JM McQueen
Journal of Memory and Language 73, 116-130, 2014
Neural correlates of testing effects in vocabulary learning
GSE van den Broek, A Takashima, E Segers, G Fernández, L Verhoeven
Neuroimage 78, 94-102, 2013
Neurocognitive mechanisms of the “testing effect”: A review
G Van den Broek, A Takashima, C Wiklund-Hörnqvist, LK Wirebring, ...
Trends in Neuroscience and Education 5 (2), 52-66, 2016
Changes in theta and beta oscillations as signatures of novel word consolidation
I Bakker, A Takashima, JG van Hell, G Janzen, JM McQueen
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 27 (7), 1286-1297, 2015
Interaction between episodic and semantic memory networks in the acquisition and consolidation of novel spoken words
A Takashima, I Bakker, JG Van Hell, G Janzen, JM McQueen
Brain and language 167, 44-60, 2017
Increase in posterior alpha activity during rehearsal predicts successful long‐term memory formation of word sequences
EB Meeuwissen, A Takashima, G Fernández, O Jensen
Human brain mapping 32 (12), 2045-2053, 2011
Memory trace stabilization leads to large-scale changes in the retrieval network: a functional MRI study on associative memory
A Takashima, ILC Nieuwenhuis, M Rijpkema, KM Petersson, O Jensen, ...
Learning & Memory 14 (7), 472-479, 2007
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Articles 1–20