Yacine SALHI
Yacine SALHI
Professor of Physics Department of Energetics and Fluid Mechanics Faculty of Physics USTHB
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On gas-liquid intermittent flow in a horizontal pipe: Influence of sub-regime on slug frequency
A Arabi, Y Salhi, Y Zenati, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand
Chemical engineering science 211, 115251, 2020
Stability analysis of inclined stratified two-phase gas–liquid flow
Y Salhi, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand, G Degrez
Nuclear engineering and design 240 (5), 1083-1096, 2010
Slug frequency for a gas-liquid plug flow: Review and development of a new correlation
AF A Arabi, K Ragui, Y Salhi
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 118, 104841, 2020
A Discussion on the Relation Between the Intermittent Flow Sub-Regimes and the Frictional Pressure Drop
JL Abderraouf Arabi, Yacine Salhi, Youcef Zenatib, El-Khider Si-Ahmed
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 181, 121895, 2021
Slug length and frequency upstream a sudden expansion in gas-liquid intermittent flow.
EKSAJL A. H. Zitouni, A. Arabi, Y. Salhi, Y. Zenati
Exp. Comput. Multiph. Flow, 2020
Influence of a sudden expansion on slug flow characteristics in a horizontal two-phase flow: a pressure drop fluctuations analysis
A Arabi, Y Salhi, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand
Meccanica 53 (13), 3321-3338, 2018
Experimental investigation of sudden expansion's influence on the hydrodynamic behavior of different sub-regimes of intermittent flow
A Arabi, Y Salhi, Y Zenati, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 205, 108834, 2021
Onset of intermittent flow: Visualization of flow structures
A Arabi, Y Salhi, A Bouderbal, Y Zenati, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 76, 27, 2021
Hydrogen production by hybrid system and its conversion by fuel cell in Algeria; Djanet
M Baik, M Hammoudi, Y Salhi, SK Kirati
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 43 (6), 3466-3474, 2018
Contribution théorique et expérimentale à l’étude des phénomènes de transition d’un écoulement stratifié à l’écoulement poche/bouchon dans une conduite horizontale en présence …
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene USTHB, Physics …, 2010
Numerical Investigations of Passive Scalar Transport in Turbulent Taylor-Couette Flows: Large Eddy Simulation Versus Direct Numerical Simulations
JL Yacine Salhi , El-Khider Si-Ahmed , Gérard Degrez
Journal of Fluids Engineering 134 (4), 041105 (10 pages), 2012
Development and statistical characterization of slug in two-phase flow along horizontal pipeline
I Belgacem, Y Salhi, M Hammoudi, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand
Mechanics & Industry 16 (3), 307, 2015
Identifying the intermittent flow sub-regimes using pressure drop time series fluctuations
A Arabi, Y Salhi, Y Zenati, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand
Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow 6 (1), 28-40, 2024
Experimental investigation of slug pattern in a horizontal two-phase flow
I Belgacem, Y Salhi, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand, JM Rosant
WIT Trans. Eng. Sci 19, 423-434, 2013
Direct numerical simulation of Taylor-Couette flows in the fully turbulent regime
Y Detandt, M Krivilyov, Y Salhi, D Vanden Abeele, J Fransaer
Computational Fluid Dynamics 2006: Proceedings of the Fourth International …, 2009
Etude expérimentale de l'influence d'une singularité sur le régime d'écoulement diphasique gaz-liquide en conduite horizontale: cas de l'élargissement brusque
Y Salhi, EKS Ahmed, J Legrand, JM Rosant
CFM 2011-20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2011
Dynamic simulation of preformed aqueous foam stability for enhanced oil recovery application
T Sakhi, R Chemini, Y Salhi, A Arhaliass
Algerian Journal of Engineering and Technology 8 (1), 101-107, 2023
Slope effect on stability of stratified two‐phase flow
Y Salhi, EK Si Ahmed, G Degrez, J Legrand
AIP Conference Proceedings 1207 (1), 581-586, 2010
Experimental investigation of different sub-regimes in horizontal stratified and intermittent gas-liquid two-phase flow: Flow map and analysis of pressure drop fluctuations
A Bouderbal, Y Salhi, A Arabi, EK Si-Ahmed, J Legrand, A Arhaliass
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 210, 407-424, 2024
Numerical Simulation of Taylor–Couette Flows with Rotating Outer Wall Using a Hybrid Spectral/Finite Element Method
AAGD Nabila Ouazib, Yacine Salhi, El-Khider SI-Ahmed, Jack Legrand
Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering 55 (6), 1258–1273, 2021
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Articles 1–20