Preeti Mehta
Preeti Mehta
Retired Professor and Head , Microbiology Department, Seth GSMC and KEM Hospital, Mumbai
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International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) report, data summary of 36 countries, for 2004-2009
VD Rosenthal, H Bijie, DG Maki, Y Mehta, A Apisarnthanarak, ...
American journal of infection control 40 (5), 396-407, 2012
Dental plaque: a permanent reservoir of Helicobacter pylori?
HG Desai, HH Gill, K Shankaran, PR Mehta, SR Prabhu
Scandinavian journal of gastroenterology 26 (11), 1205-1208, 1991
Enterococcal infections with special reference to phenotypic characterization & drug resistance
MG Karmarkar, ES Gershom, PR Mehta
Indian Journal of Medical Research 119, 22-25, 2004
Impact of an international nosocomial infection control consortium multidimensional approach on central line-associated bloodstream infection rates in adult intensive care …
N Jaggi, C Rodrigues, VD Rosenthal, SK Todi, S Shah, N Saini, ...
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 17 (12), e1218-e1224, 2013
Device-associated infection rates in 20 cities of India, data summary for 2004–2013: findings of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium
Y Mehta, N Jaggi, VD Rosenthal, M Kavathekar, A Sakle, N Munshi, ...
infection control & hospital epidemiology 37 (2), 172-181, 2016
Time to sputum conversion in smear positive pulmonary TB patients on category I DOTS and factors delaying it
R Parikh, G Nataraj, S Kanade, V Khatri, P Mehta
J Assoc Physicians India 60 (8), 22-6, 2012
Fluconazole prophylaxis against fungal colonization and invasive fungal infection in very low birth weight infants
TB Parikh, RN Nanavati, CV Patankar, PNS Rao, K Bisure, RH Udani, ...
Indian pediatrics 44 (11), 830, 2007
High-value coproducts from algae—an innovational way to deal with advance algal industry
P Mehta, D Singh, R Saxena, R Rani, RP Gupta, SK Puri, AS Mathur
Waste to wealth, 343-363, 2018
Identification of prophages in bacterial genomes by dinucleotide relative abundance difference
KV Srividhya, V Alaguraj, G Poornima, D Kumar, GP Singh, ...
PLoS One 2 (11), e1193, 2007
HNH family subclassification leads to identification of commonality in the His‐Me endonuclease superfamily
P Mehta, K Katta, S Krishnaswamy
Protein Science 13 (1), 295-300, 2004
Analysis of the lambdoid prophage element e14 in the E. coli K-12 genome
P Mehta, S Casjens, S Krishnaswamy
BMC microbiology 4, 1-13, 2004
Correlation of fine needle aspiration cytology, smear and culture in tuberculous lymphadenitis: a prospective study
G Nataraj, S Kurup, A Pandit, P Mehta
Journal of postgraduate Medicine 48 (2), 113-116, 2002
Identification and speciation of Malassezia in patients clinically suspected of having pityriasis versicolor
A Shah, A Koticha, M Ubale, S Wanjare, P Mehta, U Khopkar
Indian journal of dermatology 58 (3), 239, 2013
Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori: the Indian scenario.
HH Gill, HG Desai, P Majmudar, PR Mehta, SR Prabhu
Indian journal of gastroenterology: official journal of the Indian Society …, 1993
Microbial etiology of febrile neutropenia
M Swati, N Gita, B Sujata, J Farah, M Preeti
Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion 26, 49-55, 2010
Dental plaque: an unlikely reservoir of Helicobacter pylori.
AH Kamat, PR Mehta, AA Natu, AY Phadke, IM Vora, PD Desai, ...
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology: Official Journal of the Indian Society …, 1998
Effect of salt stress on germination of indica rice varieties
J Anbumalarmathi, P Mehta
European Journal of Biological Science 6 (1), 1-6, 2013
Pharmacokinetics of colistin in critically ill patients with multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacilli infection
ND Karnik, K Sridharan, SP Jadhav, PP Kadam, RK Naidu, RD Namjoshi, ...
European journal of clinical pharmacology 69, 1429-1436, 2013
Hydrogels: An overview of its classifications, properties, and applications
P Mehta, M Sharma, M Devi
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 106145, 2023
Utility of MPT 64 antigen detection assay for rapid characterization of mycobacteria in a resource constrained setting
S Kanade, G Nataraj, R Suryawanshi, P Mehta
Indian J Tuberc 59 (2), 92-96, 2012
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Articles 1–20