Victor Wepener
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Cited by
Uptake and distribution of a copper, iron and zinc mixture in gill, liver and plasma of a freshwater teleost, Tilapia sparrmanii
V Wepener, JHJ Van Vuren, HH Du Preez
Water sa 27 (1), 99-108, 2001
Prioritizing agricultural pesticides used in South Africa based on their environmental mobility and potential human health effects
JM Dabrowski, JM Shadung, V Wepener
Environment international 62, 31-40, 2014
Bioaccumulation and human health risk assessment of DDT and other organochlorine pesticides in an apex aquatic predator from a premier conservation area
R Gerber, NJ Smit, JHJ Van Vuren, SMM Nakayama, YB Yohannes, ...
Science of the Total Environment 550, 522-533, 2016
The oxidative toxicity of Ag and ZnO nanoparticles towards the aquatic plant Spirodela punctuta and the role of testing media parameters
M Thwala, N Musee, L Sikhwivhilu, V Wepener
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 15 (10), 1830-1843, 2013
Cytotoxicity of Ag, Au and Ag-Au bimetallic nanoparticles prepared using golden rod (Solidago canadensis) plant extract
TL Botha, EE Elemike, S Horn, DC Onwudiwe, JP Giesy, V Wepener
Scientific reports 9 (1), 4169, 2019
The effect of hexavalent chromium at different pH values on the haematology of Tilapia sparrmanii (Cichlidae)
V Wepener, JHJ Van Vuren, HH Du Preez
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Comparative Pharmacology 101 …, 1992
An assessment of the influence of multiple stressors on the Vaal River, South Africa
V Wepener, C Van Dyk, L Bervoets, G O’brien, A Covaci, Y Cloete
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts a/b/c 36 (14-15), 949-962, 2011
Distribution of perfluorinated compounds (PFASs) in the aquatic environment of the industrially polluted Vaal River, South Africa
T Groffen, V Wepener, W Malherbe, L Bervoets
Science of the Total Environment 627, 1334-1344, 2018
Effect of manganese and iron at a neutral and acidic pH on the hematology of the banded tilapia (Tilapia sparrmanii)
V Wepener, JHJ Van Vuren, HH Du Preez
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 49, 613-619, 1992
A conceptual framework for using mussels as biomonitors in whole effluent toxicity
R Smolders, L Bervoets, V Wepener, R Blust
Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 9 (3), 741-760, 2003
Active biomonitoring in freshwater environments: early warning signals from biomarkers in assessing biological effects of diffuse sources of pollutants
V Wepener, JHJ Van Vuren, FP Chatiza, Z Mbizi, L Slabbert, B Masola
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 30 (11-16), 751-761, 2005
Comparative studies on the uptake and effects of cadmium and zinc on the cellular energy allocation of two freshwater gastropods
L Moolman, JHJ Van Vuren, V Wepener
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 68 (3), 443-450, 2007
Persistent organic pollutants in the Olifants River Basin, South Africa: Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer through a subtropical aquatic food web
V Verhaert, N Newmark, W D'Hollander, A Covaci, W Vlok, V Wepener, ...
Science of the total environment 586, 792-806, 2017
The influence of land use on water quality and diatom community structures in urban and agriculturally stressed rivers
GW Walsh, V Wepener
Water Sa 35 (5), 2009
A regional-scale ecological risk framework for environmental flow evaluations
GC O'Brien, C Dickens, E Hines, V Wepener, R Stassen, L Quayle, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (2), 957-975, 2018
Pesticides in South African fresh waters
TM Ansara-Ross, V Wepener, PJ Van den Brink, MJ Ross
African Journal of Aquatic Science 37 (1), 1-16, 2012
Seasonal variation of selected metals in sediments, water and tissues of the groovy mullet, Liza dumerelii (Mugilidae) from the Mhlathuze Estuary, South Africa
HM Mzimela, V Wepener, DP Cyrus
Marine Pollution Bulletin 46 (5), 659-664, 2003
A note on the concentrations and bioavailability of selected metals in sediments of Richards Bay Harbour, South Africa
V Wepener, LA Vermeulen
Water SA 31 (4), 589-596, 2005
A histology-based fish health assessment of the tigerfish, Hydrocynus vittatus from a DDT-affected area
KJ McHugh, NJ Smit, JHJ Van Vuren, JC Van Dyk, L Bervoets, A Covaci, ...
Physics and chemistry of the earth, parts A/B/C 36 (14-15), 895-904, 2011
The use of feathers in monitoring bioaccumulation of metals and metalloids in the South African endangered African grass-owl (Tyto capensis)
TM Ansara-Ross, MJ Ross, V Wepener
Ecotoxicology 22, 1072-1083, 2013
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Articles 1–20