Shuang Jiang
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Cited by
VAMPr: VAriant Mapping and Prediction of antibiotic resistance via explainable features and machine learning
J Kim, DE Greenberg, R Pifer, S Jiang, G Xiao, SA Shelburne, A Koh, ...
PLoS computational biology 16 (1), e1007511, 2020
MB-GAN: microbiome simulation via generative adversarial network
R Rong, S Jiang, L Xu, G Xiao, Y Xie, DJ Liu, Q Li, X Zhan
GigaScience 10 (2), giab005, 2021
A Bayesian zero-inflated negative binomial regression model for the integrative analysis of microbiome data
S Jiang, G Xiao, AY Koh, J Kim, Q Li, X Zhan
Biostatistics 22 (3), 522-540, 2021
HARMONIES: a hybrid approach for microbiome networks inference via exploiting sparsity
S Jiang, G Xiao, AY Koh, Y Chen, B Yao, Q Li, X Zhan
Frontiers in Genetics 11, 445, 2020
A survey of statistical methods for microbiome data analysis
KC Lutz, S Jiang, ML Neugent, NJ De Nisco, X Zhan, Q Li
Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 8, 884810, 2022
BayesSMILES: Bayesian segmentation modeling for longitudinal epidemiological studies
S Jiang, Q Zhou, X Zhan, Q Li
Journal of Data Science 19 (3 (2021)), 365–389, 2021
Bayesian modeling of microbiome data for differential abundance analysis
Q Li, S Jiang, AY Koh, G Xiao, X Zhan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.08741, 2019
Seqminer2: an efficient tool to query and retrieve genotypes for statistical genetics analyses from biobank scale sequence dataset
L Yang, S Jiang, B Jiang, DJ Liu, X Zhan
Bioinformatics 36 (19), 4951-4954, 2020
MetaPrism: A versatile toolkit for joint taxa/gene analysis of metagenomic sequencing data
J Kim, S Jiang, Y Wang, G Xiao, Y Xie, DJ Liu, Q Li, A Koh, X Zhan
G3 11 (4), jkab046, 2021
Serum Citrulline As a Biomarker for Blood Stream Infections in Pediatric Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients
S Singla, J Wong, S Jiang, S Hussain, L Coughlin, X Zhan, AY Koh
Blood 134, 3268, 2019
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Articles 1–10