Ho Jin Ma
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Cited by
Influence of microstructure control on optical and mechanical properties of infrared transparent Y2O3-MgO nanocomposite
HJ Ma, WK Jung, C Baek, DK Kim
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (15), 4902-4911, 2017
Enhanced dielectric permittivity of BaTiO3/epoxy resin composites by particle alignment
DS Kim, C Baek, HJ Ma, DK Kim
Ceramics International 42 (6), 7141-7147, 2016
A novel approach of an infrared transparent Er:Y2O3–MgO nanocomposite for eye-safe laser ceramics
HJ Ma, WK Jung, Y Park, DK Kim
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (41), 11096-11103, 2018
Non-resonant power-efficient directional Nd: YAG ceramic laser using a scattering cavity
KR Lee, HJ Ma, F Rotermund, DK Kim, YK Park
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1-10, 2021
Microstructural freezing of highly NIR transparent Y2O3-MgO nanocomposite via pressure-assisted two-step sintering
HJ Ma, WK Jung, SM Yong, DH Choi, DK Kim
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 39, 4957-4964, 2019
Two-step sintering behavior of titanium-doped Y2O3 ceramics with monodispersed sub-micrometer powder
WK Jung, HJ Ma, DG Kim, DK Kim
Ceramics International 45 (1), 510-515, 2019
A robust approach for highly transparent Y2O3 ceramics by stabilizing oxygen defects
WK Jung, HJ Ma, Y Park, DK Kim
Scripta Materialia 137, 1-4, 2017
Self-reinforced and high-thermal conductivity silicon nitride by tailoring α-β phase ratio with pressureless multi-step sintering
JH Kong, HJ Ma, WK Jung, J Hong, K Jun, DK Kim
Ceramics International 47 (9), 13057-13064, 2021
Insight into the scavenger effect of LiF on extinction of a carboxylate group for mid-infrared transparent Y2O3− MgO nanocomposite
HJ Ma, JH Kong, DK Kim
Scripta Materialia 187, 37-42, 2020
Fabrication of highly dense Si3N4 via record low‐content additive system for low‐temperature pressureless sintering
K Kumar, MJ Kim, HM Oh, YJ Park, HN Kim, HJ Ma, JW Lee, JW Ko
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (7), 4669-4680, 2022
Twofold increase in Weibull modulus of hot-pressed Si3N4 ceramic by modified pressing profile
K Kumar, MJ Kim, YJ Park, HN Kim, HJ Ma, JW Lee, JW Ko
Materials Today Communications 32, 103979, 2022
Rare-Earth Element Substitution of Na1+xZr2SixP3–xO12 (x = 2) Solid Electrolyte: Implications for All-Solid-State Na Ion Batteries
SW Jung, JE Wang, DG Kim, HJ Ma, DK Kim, DJ Kim
ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (10), 13894-13902, 2022
Transparent ceramics for visible/IR windows: processing, materials and characterization
WK Jung, HJ Ma, HN Kim, DK Kim
Korean Journal of Materials Research 28 (10), 551-563, 2018
Effects of calcination atmosphere on monodispersed spherical particles for highly optical transparent yttria ceramics
WK Jung, HJ Ma, SW Jung, DK Kim
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (5), 1876-1884, 2017
Physiochemical etching characteristics and surface analysis of Y2O3-MgO nanocomposite under different CF4/Ar/O2 plasma atmospheres
HJ Ma, YJ Park, MJ Kim, HN Kim, JW Ko, JW Lee, JH Kim, HC Lee
Applied Surface Science 641, 158483, 2023
Correlation with the microstructure and synergistic physiochemical etching resistance of nanocomposites under fluorine-containing plasma conditions
HJ Ma, S Hong, HM Oh, K Kumar, MJ Kim, HN Kim, JW Ko, JW Lee, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (38), 43771-43782, 2022
Influence of ternary oxide additives on thermal conductivity of pressureless sintered Si3N4
K Kumar, YJ Park, MJ Kim, HN Kim, HJ Ma, JW Lee, JW Ko
Materials Letters 328, 133189, 2022
Scalable and tunable Y2O3‐MgO composite for infrared transparency applications
K Kumar, HM Oh, MJ Kim, HJ Ma, YJ Park, HN Kim, JW Lee, JW Ko
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2022
Effect of porosity on etching rate and crater-like microstructure of sintered Al2O3, Y2O3, and YAG ceramics in plasma etching
EB Kim, CC Zhao, YJ Park, MJ Kim, HJ Ma, HN Kim, JW Ko, SY Yoon, ...
Ceramics International 50 (9), 15182-15194, 2024
Optimization of Al-excess nonstoichiometry on the densification and plasma resistance of YAG ceramics
CC Zhao, EB Kim, YJ Park, G Logesh, MJ Kim, JW Lee, HJ Ma, HN Kim, ...
Ceramics International 50 (9), 15325-15332, 2024
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